v26.7 Change Log

Remember to load your save from the town square.

Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it's patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they're safe.


  • The Alleyway Livewire encounter and fight are now available in the Capital. By Threshold. Edited by Valentin Cognito
  • You can now visit the ghostly trio in Sleim Vllge once the quest is complete, featuring multiple dialogs and sex scenes. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
  • Ambrosia now has a new conversation once the ghosts are recruited into Sleim Vllge. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
  • Ampere and Lovol can now give Rut to the Player, and have scenes for when it happens. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
  • Rutting players who go to Ampere's house will now meet Lovol there, as long as they previously did her titfuck scene at the Arcade. This unlocks threesome scenes, including one exclusive to players with a Breast Fetish, as well as another scene exclusive to players with an Ass Fetish. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.


  • Ancilla now has a cuddly CG for her Cuddle stance as well as certain out-of-combat scenes. Art by Applehead.
  • Nara now has a sex CG. Art by NickBeja.


  • Ancilla's standing art has finally been refitted to properly use the game's layering system, allowing her blush to be applied to all expressions, making it flow better with her CG implementation, and freeing up a bit of file space.
  • Once you're in a relationship with Kaia, you can now visit her from the map directly, without having to go on a Mountain exploration.
  • Since there are now more ways to get Rut, Galvi's sex scenes now increase Rut by 30% instead of 40%.
  • There is now a separate icon for Crit Debuff effects.


  • In phase 2 of her third fight, Sofia's max Arousal has been increased by 500.
  • Decreased D.P.'s max Arousal by 500.
  • Defeating Iabel now increases her level by 5, down from 10. In addition, running from her now increases her level by 2, down from 5. This should make running into her less punishing when you're ultimately forced to face her at the end of her floor.
  • Demon Layer's Energy cost has been increased from 10 to 20. Its base power has been increased from 40 to 50.
  • The damage boost that Holy skills (i.e. Demon Layer) get from Virility is now calculated before other stat bonuses, and no longer multiplies them as well, only base power.
  • The Virility bonus to Holy Skills (i.e. Demon Layer) now goes up to 100% to cap out the Skill's base power, then scales at half rate, so 200% virility means the skill has 150% damage.
  • The Finger Skill now costs 10 EP, up from 5. Its base power has been increased from 25 to 35.
  • Teleport now costs 50 EP, up from 25.
  • Distract now costs 25 EP, up from 15.
  • Calm Mind now costs 20 EP, up from 10.
  • Cleanse Lust now costs 40 EP, up from 25.
  • Analyze, Arouse, and Dildo now cost 10 EP, up from 5.
  • Arousara and Arousero now cost 30 EP, up from 20.
  • Empowered Thrust, Multi Thrust, Pound, and Tantric Thrust now cost 20 EP, up from 10.
  • Anal Piston and Carrying Fuck now cost 40 EP, up from 20.
  • Passionate Lovemaking now costs 40 EP, up from 25.
  • You now get a free Goddess' Favor every 20 points of Luck, instead of 10.


  • Added the Skill tag 'statusStacks', which can be set to 1 to allow a buff or debuff effect to stack instead of only resetting the duration when reapplied.


  • Updated ForestDungeonNexus.json to the proper one that was supposed to be in the last update, where Ancilla's service menu was renamed and a slight tweak was made to when the new options were unlocked.
  • Sex scenes that play after defeating Trisha now have fitting music.
  • Fixed extreme lag when certain controllers were plugged in. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
  • The D.P. fight's CG now gets properly removed when you use Distract.
  • When fighting a single enemy, if a new enemy is summoned into the combat, your Skill will properly affect the original target instead of the new one.
  • The ghost recruitment quest now properly plays a sound effect when you get a question wrong. By Valentin Cognito.
  • The internal hasThisStatusEffectPotency function should now properly check for negative debuffing potencies when used. By extension, Skill files using requiresStatusPotency and requiresStatusPotencySelf should now also properly check for negative debuffing values when used.
  • The freely repeatable D.P. fights now have more suitable intro music.
  • Fixed an issue where using keyboard controls on the map when selecting the Mystic Forest loaded a location that didn't exist, giving you a janked-out explore screen.
  • Assorted typo fixing and editing.


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how does one form a relationship with kaia,,, and/or meet her? i think i'm forgetting smth,,, anyone got hints or tips?~

(1 edit) (+1)

As you interact with her you'll gain manticore spikes from fighting, and then while in town go to you're inventory, and inject yourself with the spikes, this will eventually lead to a special event. When you visit her on the mountain and she'll realizes you've become addicted, and will promptly have an existential crisis.

Edit: 20 spikes should be enough, but bare in mind you also need to interact with her, like having conversations a high virility helps and doing her brothel events all help make her like you more.


I can confirm this works, I followed this info and now I'm her mate. A bit of a pain to do on the hardest difficulty but it's possible. Her scenes and dialogue are peak cinema. 10/10 would breed again.


I was expecting a Virility to happen eventually, so I'm not surprised to see it.

What I am surprised to see is a GLOBAL NERF TO ENERGY COSTS for both casters and penetrative stance builds. Especially for penetrative stance builds, given the inherent dangers you have to build around with such a build. penetrative stance already requires you to focus hard on either Pow or Tech, and a LOT of Will and All to deal with recoil, so seeing Int get added to that list feels a bit much. Forcing casters to spec harder into energy regen makes sense, forcing penetrative stance characters to obtain and spam Channeling Thrust to maintain their energy economy does not, at least to me.

Also rather sad to see the nerf to Luck, Goddess' Favor is a pretty mandatory stat to stack ASAP at harder difficulties, and this will only be more true with higher energy costs for skills. Cutting the amount gained through stats in half is rough. Perhaps if more could be obtained through perks? 

Otherwise, really liking the new content and the updates to older content.


Playing on the hardest difficulty and reading all the Player nerfs is hurting my soul. 

If I beat DS3 and Elden Ring, I can beat a porn game, I accept your challenge.


How do you start recruiting for Sleim Village?

Talk to petua in her house, and she'll eventually mention something about it check the main comments I talked more in depth about this earlier l.


10/10 game. Thank you!


Thank you first off for a great game! Love the story and the characters. I'm relatively new to games where they don't update automatically. Could anyone give me a rundown on how to update the game?

(2 edits)

Get a save that opens into the town square that has everything you want saved then download the update file and if it's on android mine has a "package installer" that's just part of what the phone automatically had downloaded that says "want to update said download" so monster girl dreams in this case and it updates it.


Everyone: Wow. Thanks for the update Thresh. 

Me: (Looks at Balance changes) Sofia is stronger, Player is weaker, label is weaker, player is weaker, player is weaker, player is weaker, player is weaker, player is weaker, player is weaker. 😕

Welp. I can all ways play on an easier difficulty. 

Thanks for the scene updates developers.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

...It really ain't a difficult game, my guy. Even when playing one-handed with half of your blood going places that are definitely not your brain. Especially when Nightmare mode gives you insane EXP even for grinding the Forest or Mountains, where very few enemies pose a real threat even at your level.

With even halfway decent stats, Distract is an immensely powerful skill that can essentially "nuh-uh" most boss enemies' movesets. Making it more expensive makes perfect sense. Same with the Favors (Luck builds were utterly busted because of that).

I continue to remain baffled at why people tattle on themselves like this.

EDIT: Plus, losing is half the fun here!!

(1 edit) (+3)

Overleveling is the easiest way to win but even if you dont quick saving and loading back for info/trying to crit everytime loading does actually have a ton of viability because rolls are different on the save and load

(1 edit)

Everytime I replay the game it's balanced to be harder so it takes a bit extra time to get back to the point I was at previously. I honestly don't see the point. You can just brute force everything. There isn't really any game overs besides that one time I'm aware of. There's even perks designed for losing and still gaining xp. It's NOT a difficult game, yet there is need to balance to make it harder anyway? It's just taking extra time for a time sink. No need for those unless it's a free to play game and you're trying to sell some xp boosts for impatient people. 

I was really just playing around with all the nerfs saying I'd play on an easier difficulty. There are a LOT of nerfs if you didn't notice. I'm actually all for the Sofia buff though cause I feel she should be the hardest fight instead of Venefica. I at least think Sofia is supposed to be stronger than her lore wise. Then again, Sofia is still holding back while Venefica is going full power...ish.

And if you're wondering why I replay the game, I actually do test to see how difficult the game is from scratch instead of having a really high level character at all updates from a save file.

Edit: It doesn't seem like I'm the only one that noticed all the energy nerfs either, so get off my back

So you're... replaying the game to experience it all over again, but then complaining it takes longer each time? To do a thing you are doing entirely by choice?


(1 edit)

Complaining is different than venting. I was just venting.


Thank you. Thank you so, so very much Thresh. Thus means a lot to us, and I hope you and everyone who sees this has a wonderful new year! :]




Thank you for the update.


lets goo new year update, thanks for your hard work!