I was able to install the game and play it for a short while of an hour or two. After that it stopped working. I have been trying to uninstall it so I could install it again but it won't let me. Is this an issue any of you have had? Is there any advice on how to fix this.
Gave this a go, after a little confusion really like this! Some of the fights are pretty tough, and some are only tough if you ignore things! Think the toughest fights (outside of the 7 imps!) so far are the "optional" fights. Haven't gotten too far yet though (I just started the mountain area), but I really like how if you lose to someone it's not the end, you just get certain things added. Definitely going to keep checking this out!
EDIT: Loving the humor, especially when you show compassion to one that INSISTS you are her rival/nemesis/whatever else she decides to term you.
Are you sure you're using the recent 22.1a version? Do you have any idea how the perks are disappearing? Or which inn event specifically is causing the error?
Thank you for developing this game and make it free.
Wish you good health and fortune.
Ps:It would be really nice if you could provide an email address for bug-reporting.Could you please consider it ? Discord is not accessible for me.I really like your game and hope to help however I can like bug feedback.
Thank you for replying and act so quick. :) The v22.c patch fixed <Mysterious Inn> event perfectly.
There is a minor bug a found,not very serious issue though.This minor error actually happens on previous versions too.
When Lilian as me <What the purest monster girl (something like that)> during her quiz. And I choose <Slime> on purpose. :p Then a minor error occurs.Ignoring it the game works fine though, so not very serious for now.
Again thank you very much. Really love this game and hope it gets better and better.
I just finished it and saw the update, what a coincidence. I love the characters and the art. I liked all the lovey-dovey and dominant options I get too!
Sadly, I can't support this monetarily since I'm a student.
ps: did I mention that I love the art? because I really do.
pps: does the save file work through updates or do I need to start over?
Saves carry over between updates. Just be sure to have your save when you transfer over versions be in town square for the least issues. Also saves are useally in a global folder so you wont need to move it over either.
When is the next update coming out I've been playing this game since the beginning. Fantastic game love the art this game will get big I play it every day I'm a huge fan! :)
to resolve the problem were you can't install the game, you need to go were the save files are and put them in another paste, once you did it you uninstall the game and install the new version, then you move the old save file to were the new save files are and put them there, if that doesn't work,well, sad.
Beautiful game, everything about it is great. All the girls, (especially Mika) are amazing. But could you add in a thing where if they have a weak spot (like spanking or such) it shows that spot (like they turn around and can see their ass?) I think that would be a wonderful feature.
So, with the new update, I've been getting a lot of traceback errors and it's kicking me all the way back to the intro at which point the whole city is empty, I don't know what's going on
Please add a "cheat menu" where I can skip to the newest content or test out the new abilities since it sucks to do everything again every time a update comes out
How do i advance on mika i already cleared the forest dungeon but everytime i try to talk to her she just blows me off and says how shes not looking for a husband so dont even try it, what am i doing wrong?
Right now that's all the content there is for her. Sometimes she'll have different reactions to you entering her chamber depending on how your last fight ended, but aside from that once you've beaten the dungeon you can't really advance further.
That's not true. After beating her a number of times you can visit her by going to "Sofia's domain" and selecting her. Progression with her continues as a friends with benefits (as far as i got) where you can give her eros to help her get out of debt so she can quit being an obstacle in the dungeon.
I know it's been said, but I adore the new art for Vivian! I actively avoided her at all costs because of the previous art, but the new art is far, far more fitting for both her, and the game!
You'll have to fight the Manticore a few times and get ahem "Poisoned" after you keep fighting her she will tell you all the details you'll need to know and once you get there you can get the lovey dovey Manticore ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
holy water is overpriced and for manticore you need first to let her suck with tail until pass out, then battle her with defeating her with fucking. Then you need to let her suck with tail sensless many times until you are at her home where she asks you, if you want to be with her.
Trying to figure out this manticore is agonizing! (In a good way). I've gone through the nymph, kotone, etc. But i cant figure out how to get her buff😭
Im pretty sure thats the end of the build. For now just grind out levels untill the next one. Who knows! Something might happen if we pay off our debt!
← Return to game
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I was able to install the game and play it for a short while of an hour or two. After that it stopped working. I have been trying to uninstall it so I could install it again but it won't let me. Is this an issue any of you have had? Is there any advice on how to fix this.
Gave this a go, after a little confusion really like this! Some of the fights are pretty tough, and some are only tough if you ignore things! Think the toughest fights (outside of the 7 imps!) so far are the "optional" fights. Haven't gotten too far yet though (I just started the mountain area), but I really like how if you lose to someone it's not the end, you just get certain things added. Definitely going to keep checking this out!
EDIT: Loving the humor, especially when you show compassion to one that INSISTS you are her rival/nemesis/whatever else she decides to term you.
Is this game based off Corruption of Champions?
During battle, some skill descriptions (especially the stats) get cut off no matter the window size.
Are you sure you're using the recent 22.1a version? Do you have any idea how the perks are disappearing? Or which inn event specifically is causing the error?
What do I do if the characters are text boxes?
That means that their art hasn't been added into the game yet, it's not a bug or anything.
Would it be a bug if it was the characters that already have art? Because it happens to be them also.
Unless that was in one of the Change logs...
Go into options and make sure the character art isn't toggled off.
It was turned off. Jeez, I hate myself sometimes.
Thank you for developing this game and make it free.
Wish you good health and fortune.
Ps:It would be really nice if you could provide an email address for bug-reporting.Could you please consider it ?
Discord is not accessible for me.I really like your game and hope to help however I can like bug feedback.
I do check msgs here so don't worry. :D
Thank you for replying and act so quick. :)
The v22.c patch fixed <Mysterious Inn> event perfectly.
There is a minor bug a found,not very serious issue though.This minor error actually happens on previous versions too.
When Lilian as me <What the purest monster girl (something like that)> during her quiz.
And I choose <Slime> on purpose. :p
Then a minor error occurs.Ignoring it the game works fine though, so not very serious for now.
Again thank you very much.
Really love this game and hope it gets better and better.
Thank you for the amazing game.
I just finished it and saw the update, what a coincidence. I love the characters and the art. I liked all the lovey-dovey and dominant options I get too!
Sadly, I can't support this monetarily since I'm a student.
ps: did I mention that I love the art? because I really do.
pps: does the save file work through updates or do I need to start over?
Saves carry over between updates. Just be sure to have your save when you transfer over versions be in town square for the least issues.
Also saves are useally in a global folder so you wont need to move it over either.
When is the next update coming out I've been playing this game since the beginning. Fantastic game love the art this game will get big I play it every day I'm a huge fan! :)
to resolve the problem were you can't install the game, you need to go were the save files are and put them in another paste, once you did it you uninstall the game and install the new version, then you move the old save file to were the new save files are and put them there, if that doesn't work,well, sad.
Beautiful game, everything about it is great. All the girls, (especially Mika) are amazing. But could you add in a thing where if they have a weak spot (like spanking or such) it shows that spot (like they turn around and can see their ass?) I think that would be a wonderful feature.
Someone know how to update it on Android?
My Android device will go through the installation process and then say "app not installed".
So, with the new update, I've been getting a lot of traceback errors and it's kicking me all the way back to the intro at which point the whole city is empty, I don't know what's going on
Just started playing on android how do you equip/use runes?
Please add a "cheat menu" where I can skip to the newest content or test out the new abilities since it sucks to do everything again every time a update comes out
You can just drag the new files into the folder with the last version of the game you played and you can keep the save data
I play it on Android and some updates make my saves either corrupted or dissapear
Im trying to download the new update version for android but it says app not installed, package appears to be corrupted
I'm having the same problem as well
How do i advance on mika i already cleared the forest dungeon but everytime i try to talk to her she just blows me off and says how shes not looking for a husband so dont even try it, what am i doing wrong?
Right now that's all the content there is for her. Sometimes she'll have different reactions to you entering her chamber depending on how your last fight ended, but aside from that once you've beaten the dungeon you can't really advance further.
oh ok, thanks!
That's not true. After beating her a number of times you can visit her by going to "Sofia's domain" and selecting her. Progression with her continues as a friends with benefits (as far as i got) where you can give her eros to help her get out of debt so she can quit being an obstacle in the dungeon.
How do i advance on kyra, all i do is destroy her in battle and get the same results every time. Is it not added in the game yet?
She currently has very little content compared to many of the characters right now, and has very little progression
Thank you for telling me. 👌
Also, the picture above at the very top of the screen looks like a dragon for some reason...
Foreshadow for demon queen mabe........
what game is this no Animated no sex I am confused playing it
Mate read the description of a game before you play it.
I know it's been said, but I adore the new art for Vivian! I actively avoided her at all costs because of the previous art, but the new art is far, far more fitting for both her, and the game!
Love the Vivian update you did, her new artwork definitely fits much better. Hope we see art for Kotone and the oni sisters soon, too!
oni sisters are now there bro xD
how do you update on android
After a lot of hard work I managed to pay the debt
Anything actually happen after it?
Good End?
So for some reason I can't download anything past v20.7b
Can i use mods on android?
How can i make Manticore love me?
You'll have to fight the Manticore a few times and get ahem "Poisoned" after you keep fighting her she will tell you all the details you'll need to know and once you get there you can get the lovey dovey Manticore ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank you very much, now I can continue fricking.
It is enough to defeat her once and then just let you vanish by feeding her tailpussy a few times.
What is the use of holy water?
And does the Manticore buff even exist or is the wiki wrong?
holy water is overpriced and for manticore you need first to let her suck with tail until pass out, then battle her with defeating her with fucking. Then you need to let her suck with tail sensless many times until you are at her home where she asks you, if you want to be with her.
I can not wait for the suite to be available
Is there anyway to transfer saves?
Trying to figure out this manticore is agonizing! (In a good way). I've gone through the nymph, kotone, etc. But i cant figure out how to get her buff😭
Im having a predicament. What reward should I cboose from Sofia. Also, do you know other rpg games like these?(Not bfrpg, all rpb)
just pick the money. Nothing else is worth the drawback unless its your dump stat
There are actually a bunch, but looking at the patch notes it seems the author knows and is still working on it.
Nice to see that
Having issues installing the most recent Android version. Any advice?
Never mind. My old version was just incompatible with the updated version. Simply had to uninstall the old version.
I have a problem with Mizuko and Himika I have beaten them both nothing happens. I have a beug or so you have to beat them back more times?
Im pretty sure thats the end of the build. For now just grind out levels untill the next one. Who knows! Something might happen if we pay off our debt!