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something that would also be cool wold be somwone who could "milk" your levels out of you (maby to use/trade for some kind of currency  or if a litle somthing relatet to the sigil of Luck is addet and you could lose some ther as some kind of punishment) that would be nice 

(2 edits) (+1)

There is already a hint for that and much more in the kiosk before the capital, the Voltlin speaks about the dangers of the capital altho its not done yet unfortunatley. Also Ancilla is warnin you about the dangers of domination after her 'Helpless domination service' mentioning it so we can only hope that they will implement it soon. Also Treshold keep up the good work we love your game!

That sofia fight got me thinking about that too with the final fight if you lose while penetrated. It'd actually make sense to have some monster girls actually be dangerous that could take xp if you lost a fight. Maybe a route to make petua stronger? Convert your xp to a potion that she can take?

Later down the line, there could actually be true succubus in an area that if you lose you get a game over with your soul getting sucked out or does your levels need to be gone before that can happen?

Is it possible to translate the game into Russian using a mod?

how to install mods on this game on the android version?

(1 edit) (+2)

Download Zarchiver first and then allow the setting and search for android folder and then go to data then search inside the folder monstergirl dream.program Play the game first and If there got a "files" enter it and create a new folder and change it name into  "game" (you don't need to put the quotation marks) and then You enter the "game" folder and create another folder and change it name into Mods download the mod you had and extract it as then Just put it inside the Mods folder If you want to turn it of *example* 



That the simple way I can tell you 

hm, like this ?

Yeah That is it. If it still doesn't work you should ask me more I can help you 

it didn't work. what do I have to do? T_T


Captalize the M

Search for the android folder and go to data file and then search for this file


You should add a rune or equipment that disables exp gain so we can grind a lot of eros without getting overleveled for the future


I would actually like to see that purely to try and get to Perpetual as level 7 or lower.

(2 edits) (+2)

I would actually love to see what happens if your level is lower than hers

I'd be so down to see that, I hated having to see Petua so down in the dumps :[ but on the other hand.. I feel that moment is vital to her progression as a character, and will ultimately  help segue into to her ultimate destiny! :]

You can use console to set your level directly

How you do that?


I hope this game has lot's of player centric

(1 edit) (+1)

I know this response is incredibly late but wdym by "player centric" and I hope the game is to you're liking :]


I Hope everyone who reads this had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :]... Actually now that I think about it I wonder what holidays they celebrate in Lucidia? 

(3 edits) (+22)

Long time player and fan of this game. I wanted to comment on it after a while since I last commented.

This game is still as enjoyable as the first day I played it. The story is tantalizing, as I still to this day want to understand the world and see it all. I love engaging with the characters and experimenting with the different ways I can combat the girls in this game.

I am practically in love with girls I have befriended and find their humor and personalities distinct from each other. The art and designs are eye catching and interesting. I keep hoping to be like able to bond and even romance the girls we have met and will meet. Like a certain feline or dragon or fox or undead Chinese vampire and etc.

Really it is so memorable, especially since this is one of the first games I have played on I really want to keep playing.

Threshold, thank you for this game. I hope you can succeed in truly completing this great game someday. You are an artist that has done a great job here. You definitely deserve to be proud of this.

So as a final note, I want to wish you well, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday(s) and end of the year, just in case I don't get the chance. Please take the time to have fun and rest, we fans worry for our favorite creators.

Good luck to you in your work and in your life.


will there be impregnation/pregnancy?

I dont recall Thresh ever saying he wouldn't and I dont see any reason why not, so I'd say the possibility is high, tho we must keep in mind that we are a long ways away from that type of content being implemented in the game, (likely multiple years away)so for now lets just stay optimistic! :]

Keep in mind a lot of characters mention their inability to get pregnant


Not inability, they directly state they eat the sperm/essence to prevent pregnancy it's the main trait of monster girls in this verse, consuming adventurers essence to grow stronger while also negating pregnancy.


If they ever develop more the romance side of it we may have it at some point either with the one chose as our "wife" or maybe accidental against certain opponants upon defeat.


I think I've done all there is to do in this game rn

It was great, looking forward for future updates!!


welcome to the club


Here's some events you might wanna do if you haven't already! 

Kira/Manticore relationship path 

Location: mountain

reward: unique perk, and girlfriend :3

Vili's friendship path

Location: Imp den, forest dungeon 

Reward: unique perk, and friend

Venefica pet/master relationship path

Location: Bon Bon Bun, forest

 Unlock conditions: interacting with Lucy after beating will temple and obtaining the true will/power gem from beating both oni siblings.

Reward: secret dialog choices after dark petua fight with the voltin security investigator, and another with Ushris in the Labyrinth, unique umbral items and the ability to fight her at many varying levels of power, love-bar consumable and a new master ;] oh also a secret perk that is only obtainable by spending Obscene amounts of money on her..special offers causing you to become addicted.

Mara's.. stud/student relationship path?

Location: Vivian's bar and brothel night time

Rewards: Choice between two complete opposite unique perks.

I'll add more if I can remember them :]

Any tips for grinding eros so I can do Mika's route

Fighting mimics is the best source of eros and xp you can also use silver runes to boost eros gain

Or invest quite a bit highly on luck, go to forest dungeon (vili edition) and proceed to do it several times much until you got 10 million eros


Is it really that effective? Ive heard good things but never tried grinding it.


you can also use Gold Runes for improved effect over silver.


if you haven´t done it you could increas the dificulty (activatin all Kinks from the start or start on a higher dificulty) you could also make your own calenges like no Equipment or no Selling stuff, Mods ar also a valid option. :)

Ps: you can find mods on the MGD Wiki

What level should I be before fighting dark perpetua cuz im getting fucked (literally)

I managed to beat her by getting 40 on all my stats


Scroll down a little, and you'll find multiple explanations, tips, and other helpful advice from others on what to do most tho the basic gist of it is to bring a ton of manticore spikes since she's weak to aphrodisiacs. :]

Is there a debug mode?


Deleted 126 days ago


Deleted 125 days ago

You know any debug mode for mobile?

When I sleep until morning I sometimes get dreams with elves and Lillian

Do they mean anything?


Fun fact! The Lillian dream was originally going to be her default event for when she gave you the demon layer! Other than that, no real significance in the dreams :]

How the tf i beat shizu

Use analyze on a clone and if the stats are a bit different  like she will have 450 arousal and 25 level its her

Yeah what szmon said, the real one has 450 arousal and the clones have only 75

Charm Wave is also a great option. Places charm on all, defeat one and she summons a new clone who will NOT have the debuff, meaning one of the two WITH DEBUFF are the real one. If the first one you target is taking a while to defeat do NOT change targets, you might have found the real one.

Update: i defeated two hours after commenting this, I think it was pure luck, and somehow, Dark perpetua was quite easy for me, I even got it on the first try, the bad thing is that my game It had a bug, and now every time I try to load it it sends me to the beginning of the game, that is, when the goddess asks your name , anyway, I have a long vacation to play everything again until Ar delusia, which I think is the last updated place in the game, if I'm not mistaken. 

(1 edit)

Quick note: Always save in the town square, to avoid save becoming corrupted the other saves as long as they aren't in combat can probably be loaded.

Edit: This only applies when a new update happens sorry for any misconceptions :]


I'll take that into account, thanks a lot anyway!

Whats the best pre-dark Perpetua armor? Rn im using the crown from the golden mimic lady but im still struggling

Some time since I played but I beat her by putting a aphrodisiac on her and playing defensive


Loving the game so far, my favorite boss was Feng and my favorite character is probably also Feng


Was also wondering if there is any way to get enough trust with her for the talisman play thing

Just hang out with her, fighting helps progress faster but you also get relationship progression by talking with her, and cuddling! :]

Is beating enraged Sofia possible? If so, do I get anything special from it?

(1 edit)

You are able to be at her.  Used to farm her over and over. As for reward it's the Same as always item, money, or perk of your choice if I remember correctly.


I believe he meant when you use holy weapons in her first few fights and she insta wipes you after getting angy, if that's the case then no you can't beat her.

Does every zone have secret encounters after you finished them?


Not so much secret encounters, just stuff you can't do on the first visit.

Town has alot. Sex with Ellena, experiments with Elly, boob and ass training with Vivian (unless ass is your starting fetish, ass training is very hard to trigger), Amber's bondage scenes, Demon Layer whip, milking with Belle, Mara/Galvi/Beris content in the Bar 

Forest has Dryad, 

1st dungeon has Vivi

Mountain has Jora and Manticore

2nd dungeon has Feng, Katsune, Bed-chan threesome

Caverns has Tabitha's house

Labyrinth doesn't really have new interactions after clearing it. Just a quest to do nightmare mode anywhere. (Pet Ushirs' Tail) 

Capitol is unfinished So.....

Does anything happen if I beat an enemy entirely with holy headpats

(1 edit)

Sadly no but if you headpat feng in her first fight you'll get a unique scene and skip the fight all together! Also other characters generally have different varying reactions to being head pat :]

Example: PS(sorry still tryna add audio)


Well a bit late but I managed to beat her while enraged at full power


Not for "entirely beating them with it", but there are plenty of special interactions. 

Some girls will get an anger buff the moment you use it (because you aren't taking them seriously) (to the degree that some might one-shot you), while others stop fighting.

Using it on Ushris in her labyrinth fight steals her hat.


Just for that image with the screaming harpy I felt the need to download it


You made the right choice friend :]


Release on steam

Why, it's free now and you can just download and play. Plus it has a mobile port, which Steam won't host


How do you get stella's core I cant find it in the capitial


Hasn't been implemented yet I believe


The capital as a whole is unfinished, and the quest involving her core is most likely years away for now.

Alright ty

Do you know how to get to the lake? Because I cant seem to get to it. Another thing, I also cannot for the life of me defeat Dark perpetua, how do I do that?


For Dark Perpetua, she's weak to aphrodisiacs, take advantage of that and go as far as using Manticore spikes, if you still struggle.

Okay cool thank you bro, and what about getting to the lake? I saw some video in this comment section and somehow he has a lake unlocked

Also, where could i get manticore spikes?

Do you know how to get to the lake? Because I cant seem to get to it. Another thing, I also cannot for the life of me defeat Dark perpetua, how do I do that?

Dark perputa is really weak against aphrodisiac, so take advantage of that and get ton of manticore spikes from the manticore, keep spamming it till you defeat her but you still need a pretty high amount of spirits(I had 10 or 9 spirits before finally defeating her) and how to get to the lake just defeat dark perputa and let the story progress perputa will give you a badge on here the lake is.


If you guys would like I could start making clips of certain events, and rare/unique dialog then post them for anyone who's struggling or needs some hints/guidance :]


How do I access the Perpetua ghost stuff?


I believe you need to donate to the sleim vllge than talk to Petua about her plans check the donation goal at the shop at the vllge. (No I'm not miss spelling it that's the actual name :])


Cheers, will give it a try

Where do I get to the donation menu?

(3 edits)

Chat with petua about her plans for the vllge :] then just buy stuff from their store.

I made another one to help explain (Sorry bought the quality) hope this helps :]

Ancilla didn't have those new services in the menu, what am I doing wrong?

Have you maxed out her affinity? I'd imagine you'd need for services like the pampering one. I usually do it first chance I get, and I've seen the new domination service.


You need to help her around the dungeon until she gives, you a graceful curtesy when you meet her. Then beat Sophia's boss fight not sure how many of her fights are needed to continue guessing at least 2.


I didn't even know she had help you could do

(2 edits)

Just keep helping her then fight Sophia use restraints, stuns and demon layer to make your life easier

hope this can be of some use :]

I've seen many characters talk about getting or finding things in the capital, are they referencing content that hasn't been made yet?



that's rough man, got so excited and then so disappointed when i didn't find it

A light issue. File says "forbidden". I can't find the file anywhere in memory of my android device. I am only left with a notification.

Also it won't open even when I try to get to it through the notification.


This used to happen to me too try deleting the forbidden file, and re-downloading with a stabler internet connection. The file most likely wasn't able to fully install itself due to a change in your connections strength. Hope this helps :]


Don't use Google's adware and spyware ridden garbage.  Use a real browser.  All of mine go to Android's native "downloads" folder just fine.

(1 edit) (+1)

Every browser is "spyware" it comes with personalized ads.


I never see any ads.  If you are still using Google junk, there's your problem.


Did you manage to download the game?


Yeah don't worry. I tried again and it went better this time.

I'm having a bit of trouble, I've found all the stuff while staying at Venefica's place but I don't know how to give the stuff to Emily, no new options come up.


Talk to Emily at night to give her stuff :]

(2 edits) (+8)

Dear God Goddess*, reading Ancilla's new pampering text fills me with a sense of calm I never knew existed, yet I'm Also kinda jealous that I'm not there actually being pampered lol



Now I'm wondering what will happen later down the line. We were able to bond with several characters by progressing through conversation, so now I am wondering if she becomes more romantic.

I kind of hope she doesn't; I rather like our stoic sheep maid being ever the consummate professional.


how are you able to take Stellas bag with you, because I read in in one of the changelogs that you can take her with you but I have no idea hot to do that?


You have to pay her 5000 eros to take her. I believe you have to be drain by her the first and then the second encounter pay her to keep her.


And you can use this for help


Thanks for the help.


Adding to what lord demwolf said, if let her pleasure you enough you get addicted and get a new perk if you ask her to cleanse the addiction you can pay I think around 20k for a different *in my opinion* better perk :]


God damn, never thought id get a raging bat reading text, absolutely perfect writing from dev, fantastic work, keep at it


After playing for some time this has definitely become one of my favorite text based games (r18 or otherwise) since MGQ. It has the same feel as come for the "girls but stay for the plot" and I have been honestly looking forward to how  some interactions will go. 

The city building or at least resident collecting with Perpetua and expanded relaxation options with Ancilla has me imagining how a system to lvl Perpetua would go, or if there was a situation to help Ancilla get some R&R instead of just helping with her work. 

It doesn't have to be just those two girls (Perpetua is best girl though) like helping Kotone to find the guy who hurt her if not for revenge (having the Voltlin security force shocking someone else would be great) then maybe for closure or helping Feng regain her memories, heck a scene with Ushris and Venefica would be hilarious. 

Before I go to far on a tangent my point being that I genuinely enjoy the game and am always looking forward to new updates whether it's for story, characters, mini games, or art. It really has been fun.


The dude that hurt kotone is a already dead it's explained when you move to the next level with kotone as for fang i feel that might be up in the air for her as her memories as its shown that she might have retained a few but not many and it's pointed out that she is another person using fangs body and memories ie may never be the same


Thanks, I definitely missed that part with the guy being dead. I've been needing a reason to replay the game so it's a good reason as any. I guess my example in my original post doesn't do to well when I missed stuff like that.

As for Feng I was aware that as of right now she doesn't have her old memories effectively making her a new person but I still would like to hold out some hope that it might change in the future.

Even if we don't "restore" her old personality (which might well be traumatic and destructive anyway, she's been gone for centuries now, everything is different, and she's become something utterly unlike her previous self), it would be nice to achieve some closure between her and Kotone, so that Kotone gets over her guilt and Feng can get closer to her


Looks like the author noticed our love for Ancilla =)


Here's to hoping he will notice mine for Ushris next.


By the way, Ushris is one of my favorite characters too. And the other one is... Hehehe. It's the blue slime girl =) So I hope these characters will receive some attention from our dear author.

I don't know how the blue slime girl could be developed too much more given she's a low level move, unless you mean the one in the bar, who is basically a one-off gag

Is it possible to be the same level as perpetua when she learns the ability to see your level and scans you?

Not without cheating, no. While you can theoretically min-level by running from some fights and save-scumming to ensure you never fail the roll, there are too many essential battles where you can't run and have to defeat the girl you're fighting to progress, which gives you exp.

Don't quote me on this, but bare minimum you would need to fight: Perpetua 1-->Perpetua 2--> Ancilla--> Shizu 1--> Nara-->Aiko and Feng--> Shizu 2-->Himika or Mizuko at least. And even assuming you're able to pull through with your severely under leveled character, the amount of exp you'd gain from beating all the aforementioned above would send you soaring past level 10 or whatever low level Perpetua is.

Yeah i was gonna make an attempt for this after reading the dialog,  but quickly realized it was impossible. It's a shame it pains me to see her devastated like that :[


Don't worry, she's a tough girl. I'm sure she'll bounce/squish/splat right on back and be as motivated as ever. She is our eternal rival, after all


I cant believe you guys need items to beat her, I used nothing and beat dark perpetua on hard mode.


Good for you.  👏

(6 edits) (+2)

looks interesting im gonna try it


Edit: Completed v26.5 in four days lets gooooo

reading the comments about dark perpetua made me hold back and farm exp levels and get the holy whip.thats all easy win in hard mode no items used just be patience for farming exps unnnnlesss you guys can try defeat/farm m**** cant spoils that if but they give 800+exps

cant wait for more event in Sofia's battle gotta get the holy whip ready lol

anyway nice game i love it rarely found best game like this in (android user) and not laggy at all

the part when Perpetua analyze us is just honestly sad lmao 🤣😭 is there any more content for her in the future? Just asking

and hmmmmmmm out of all girls in this i think my fav is Shizu.

i also think we can all agree the most adorable girl is Lillian? Just the only pure soul in world of sexz protect her at all cost><


the art is just nice!! its more than that i cant explain it hmmm maybe its creative and 'alluring'.

i also like the the quests and stories i dont know how to describe it but i just like it

fight mechanic is good no bug everything seems balanced.

i rarely use runes in fight much bcs accessories alone are OP hmmm rebellion  rune is good choice for my opinion.

cant imagine getting isekai into world like this i rather wear boxer of steel than getting my pelvis destroyed by minotaur 😂

i wish to tell more but i realized this allat getting longer so i guess thats that i can says

Game 10 out of 10 free and enjoyable )) 

Holy head pats lets gooo.

edit2: mhmmm capital upcoming update gonna be wild i can feel it between my thighs jk but srsly I'll wait for next update


Im glad you've been enjoying the game dude! Might I recommend doing the sliem vllge quest, bon bon buns quest, or manticore relationship quest to bide time until the next update? :]

I wonder if theres either gonna be more content where ass focus and anal or even, rimming will be added, or if a mod with a focus on the booty is in the works... I dont know how to mod the game, even if I did, I have no talent in art...

Idk if this will happen but any anal stance Can lead to such things if win/lose scene, the imp/succubus tails Can work too i Guess.

Then you guessed right there's mods focused on it where you either give or recieve it.

if you haven't done it, Vivian has an Ass encounter. It's actually not easy to trigger on accident. You need to have a certain level of ass fetish (easiest way to raise is to loose to Tengu in 2nd dungeon while NOT IN SEX STANCE). Do the "boob fetish training" with Vivian for the Boob Worshiper Perk. If you exit your room in the Inn at Midnight, there is a chance you will see Vivian and can do a "butt fetish training" with her to get the Ass Worshiper Perk.

This I did not know, thank you!

Huh neat the more you know I guess lol


Threshold, your game is amazing. Please keep doing your best and take breaks when possible. I've played this game for a while and it is truly wonderful to play.

All I can say is I want more of this game so I will be waiting but I will be excited all the while. I want more story, more activities, more characters, relationships and interactions with amazing characters and enemies. These monsters are both awesome and beautiful.

I will seriously be waiting as long as it takes, so again take your time and do your best. Your health is important and your work is appreciated.


Is it possible to mod this on android? Been wondering if its possible

It is someone put walkthrough on how to do it in the wiki if im correct but even if im on Android too that's way too complicated for me to bother doing it.


how do you rollback in case you miss some information?


The history button on the top of screen or in the menu


(2 edits) (+2)

You should add some CG art for harpy and harpy tengu for their face sit stances, they seem pretty plain at the moment

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