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does anyone know how to get to delusia?

Labyrinth->Pick the option: "Leave the Labyrinth".


Guys, can you help? Each time starting this game, I took a enlightenment rune and a blessing of experience for level up. When playing version 25 alpha, I can’t get this rune in any way - I defeat Tengu and other monsters, I see a notification that this rune falls to me and it is not in the inventory. I even specifically cleaned the inventory. Has anyone come across this problem?

(1 edit)

Where are the mods?


right here

Do they even still work with the last version that changed the parameters?

(2 edits) (+2)

None aside from those who created those mods could answer that question. Threshold tries to keep the game as "mod-friendly" as possible, but in the end, it's up to the mods' creators, not Threshold, to keep their work up-to-date and ensure it works on the most recent version of the game.


He changed params for no apparent or obvious reason and broke a lot of mods.  That doesn't sound very mod friendly to me.

(2 edits) (+3)

And even if he did that? From what I saw, he always mentions which parameters he may have changed on the modding side of things (referring to updates' change logs). Again, it's not his job to maintain the mods operational in every update, that task is solely up to those who created the mods.

To me it sounds like very simple and basic stuff. You create a mod for a game? It's up to you to maintain it, not the original developer.

In what device are you playing,because I can't mod on mobile 😭

i play on pc

Mods go in files/game/Mods folder.

Most, such as those that add characters do not work on Android and will produce errors.

its nots opening for me on windows


(spoiler alert) 

Is there a way to beat dark perpetua? I am Level 75 and she beat me pretty easily. Is the game supposed to be a game over here or did i do something wrong?

She has a weakness you can exploit, Analyze will tell you what it is, (Not saying what the weakness is to avoid spoilers) I THINK the idea is you are supposed to take advantage of her weakness because otherwise she seems to be tougher than just about anyone. 

You mean the sensitivities? Because they seem to not do anything exept the usual "do more damage" effect. Or do you mean something different? I have tried it 4 Times now and i lost every single time. And i have all skills in the game, are Level 80 now, have every stat about 42 base and still loose. 

There's a weakness she has that can stack, so take full advantage of it. You'll need items for it (I don't THINK you can do it normally except in deep kiss mode) but the items will stack every time you do it. Last time I beat her was because at the end of the round she'd get 800 arousal thanks to the stacking of said weakness. (Sorry, I'm a little loopy thanks to allergies, but hope you get the idea)

Actually, there are three skills you can use out of stance for it, based on Intelligence, Allure, and Technique respectively.

What is this super special death star vent level weakness? I'm not being sarcastic here, I really need help, I'm on my 20th try and still haven't gotten close. At level 75 no less

(5 edits)

I beat the boss, but without using said weakness and having only 40 on every skill. 

although it took me three tries and like probably 20+ total climaxes on myself.

how did it go for you guys?

also for the people actually needing help with the boss just try taking a chill pill

and go fight her

a good tip btw is getting veneficia's love chocolate which gives you an extra climax 

Well if u want a clue on how to beat petua, try respec at guild counter, change ur gear see what works no rush, also bring healing lots of it, and avoid getting slimed.


You can also beat her without abusing her weakness if you have a good build with the right perks (Sofia, for example) . Crit go brrr. I was Level 87, but it also wasn't even close.

Great game, I 100% mean it but what do I do if a mod doesn't work? It's supposed to have a map icon but when the map opens, the error screen appears and says it can't find the file.  

(1 edit) (+1)

how do i launch the game, or where do i launch the game on pc

First, go to the folder where you saved the archive, then unzip it.

I'm still on v25 of the game, so, I don't know if the following applies to the latest version:

- Double-click "MonGirlDreams.exe"


- Double-click "MonGirlDreams-32.exe"

How tf do I defeat alraune?

her weak spot is her breasts



A very useful spell is Analyze from Elly, which tells you weaknesses


Man, the music is great. Can't believe I had the music muted for over a year and a half.

hi, hello.

So I'm new to the game and ... well ... I'm stuck, at the start no less.

When I choose 'Go Adventuring!' I get a map with clouds but all I can do is go back to town. Am I missing something?

hover over the forest on the south of the map it click on it when it highlights and then click explore

I just did. Thank you

(2 edits)

Uh slight problem I have a level 245 character and I just updated from 24.4 to 25.1a and now if I go into town and click on if the main buttons not the ones on top I just freeze I am on Android however.

Oh sorry I just had to wait 6 minutes and then it loaded sorry


my character has reached level +100 and i am waiting for a new update

Have you tried one shotting sophia?


yes i have done it

 I need 3 buffs like overlimit, sense weakness and power up to get (passionate) at the enemy's weakspot and boom

i deal +5000 arousal to sophia or other monster girls

but I won again perpetua in capital at level +80 without power up because it was useless and needed a lot of elixir

use holy or seduce


I had the same problem and then I found something amazing

Mods (A lil buggy but fun as h@ll)


Is there a way to cheat for the Android version? Or would I need to have someone reprogram some stuff/make a mod?

Just edit the saves.

I tried, I'm on a Android 12 but everytime I try to go to Android and data I can't find my way, it gets really frustrating and quite frankly it's pissing me off. I have autism so I'm trying to do it exactly as people describe it to me but it ain't working. Do you gave like a tutorial or something? 

Tengo un problema no puedo explorar la casa de venefica y ya he completado su enfrentamiento, como puedo conseguir explorar su casa?

You need to talk with Elly at the guild (be sure to pick all dialogue options), she'll give you a mission which will allow you to explore Venefica's house.


Am I the only person who can’t get the enlightenment rune and instead of it gets yuki onna tears which breaks the game if you try to sell them in larger quantity

Deleted 1 year ago

as someone who did the labyrinth i can say its really hard, sometimes you think that you got all the keys, i would say your best friend is saving and loading the game and just do trial and error, even then i dont quite know how i made my way trough, and i could say the last floor is the worst one

The game's wiki has a map showing all the positions for the keys (ten in total).

any suggest how to defeat sofia

if you are low level and you are "fighting" her you will need a very large amount of elixir, but if you are high level just dont use any penetrative skill, and get out of any instance that she put you and use skills from seduction tree and GG

do you have any information about the last place we will explore

When is there the next Update?


just downloaded the game (pc version) and it give me this error, any idea how to fix?


Best game of it's kind, hands down. 

Is there a mod for this game that make the mc op and works on this current version of the game and on Android

If by OP you mean overpowered, you don't need a mod.  Use the renpy save editor, give yourself 999 HP/MP and spirit, 9999999 eros, 99 all stats, and set all your resistances to 0%.   You can also go through and add various or even all the perks as well.  That's really all you need to do then the game becomes pretty kinetic at that point.

(3 edits)

Can you give me a link to that? If you meant save edit online it doesn't work for me whenever I try to edit a save file of this game there it says this, other save files of other games works but this game save file doesn't work and I don't know why

Same one you are using.  Save files should not be 25MB, mine are only at most 500KB.  You must not be uploading the right file.


Bruh it has an ingame console.  Just use that.

May i ask on how to access the console? Is it like tainted space that there is a secret button or something?

Brilliant.  Let's all use the console command without having any idea as to what to even enter.

How do I find the right file? Cause I went to Android data but nothing was there.


Found in the Android/Data


how do u change the resistances?

there's mod called "Dirty cheat, done for free" it will give menu cheat on amber's store to give you OP accesories or 1M eros, also unlock new elf monster wich give you 1000 exp after you defeat her


This is a realllllly fun game, I am incredibly impressed how it's both incredibly fun in an RPG sense and also really erotic. Whoever wrote all of this did an amazing job.


I feel like it'd be cool if you could play as a female in this game, and if you lose a fight, you'd get TF'd into a monster girl yourself (perhaps whichever one beat you, or just a predetermined one), and after that, you could choose to continue to be a hero, despite your new form, or choose to side with the monster girls, and beat those adventurers, maybe even get them off your land entirely! it'd definitely take a lot of work, but it could be cool free dlc or something, probably after the main game is finished. just an idea I've had.


Maybe multiple fights you'd have to lose to become a monster girl, and once you're one away you'd get a warning, idk, also, some scenes where you do sex with monster girls not in battle would probably also count towards that as well, but maybe not, idk how the transformation works exactly.


It would basically require a rewrite of the game.

Yeah, that's why I said it could be done after the main game is finished. 


It would still be too much work. Loads (and loads) of different scenes, attacks (+enemies' reactions/comments when using them) would have to be written.


fair enough, it's just an idea, doesn't have to happen, but I wanted to put it out there.


Where Can i get Holy Magic From?


You can learn Holy pat from church lady and recive holy weapon from same church but i wont say how

Look around the Church for someone who could teach you.

i did but i need the demon layer perk and i do not have the cutscene needed to obtain it

How to fix this
(1 edit)

Please help im still in version 24.1

If you playing through the app then open the location of the folder with game, there will be diffrent versions

(1 edit) (-3)

OH MY on how much HP Dark Perpetua has! When I saw that I was thinking "uh...that's a HUGE amount..." but she does has a weakness so if you want to win, it's possible. Love the Capitol music, and hoping the remainder of the capitol is as fun as everything thus far!

where can i get holy magic from since my build is currently magic based?

Holy magic scales with Virility, so magic is useless

Spoilers >.(

Anyone know how to fix it when I press skip, it skips unread text? Even when I turn off the option, it still does it. It happened a few months ago and I stopped playing because of it. I'm playing on android.


That's because the Android version is so badly optimized it actually takes up to several seconds to register in the game with each menu item being pressed, and sometimes you have to hold whatever menu button you are pushing down until it decides to respond.

Not really much you can do about it, and the dev doesn't seem to care about the Android version as it has been a chronic problem.


The Android version is garbage.  I've seen better optimization from a burned out toaster.  Even larger games with actual animations run better than this.

Okay I don't know wether this is my phone's fault or a bug but I can't edit the save file anymore I tried to use save edit online to edit my save file but it can't edit it and it says this 

I've never seen a 25 MB save file before.

yeah I've never seen one before so the file must be incorrect because the file size is only 176 kb

how do i get the kebab thingy for Belle's first recipe

Mystic Kebab has a 50% chance to drop from either Lizard Girl, or Kyra.


(1 edit) (+2)

i have noticed that the fake rest points have a very obvious way to tell from the real one, the fake ones' text doesn't disappear and the text stays there with the option, while for the real one it only shows the options and the text disappears, is that a bug?

edit: it's the same with the mimics too


Never noticed it before (and I've been playing this game for a long while!), but you're right, the text stays put if it's an encounter with Shizu or the mimics. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, part of me feels that it's there to let the player know "this is an encounter" in case you need to prep first. 


Since the update i haven't been able to get enlightment runes, i have been beatong Mizuko and after the fight i get the text saying that i got 1 enlightment rune, however whenever i check the inventory it doesnt appear anywhere


same thing here. Nice to know it not just me.

Is there a way to download older versions of the game? I’m trying to run mods but they’ve been incompatible with the current game version. Specifically the beach party mod.

google and hope they're there

I lost 59 levels now im at the start of the game at level 10 what the hell i was fighting perpetua and i lost but i also lost my saves wth

same man accidentaly saved when i was trying to load and bow im stuck in a bad spot

(1 edit) (+6)

this can be one of the best text based hgames out there.

chacters,story,skills,scenes are BRİCKİNG perfect.

but  did the game died? ı blieve its been a long time this game got a upgrade...

(by the way if you finish the game dont delete it. becuse you can add mods.)

edit: ı just notice game got a upgrade 3 days ago...ı am an idiot dont be like me.

Sorry I have question, text based? Like CoC and Trial in Tainted Space? and does it have like H-scene art or CG thingy in it or just plain text based as the two games I've mentioned? 

it has art to go with most of the scenes not animated but the pictures are really well made and the art for the characters both main and minor is really high quality give it a play and see for your self you won’t regret it

there is like 2 or 3 scenes. other than that its text. but iblieve they will make more scenes  in the future

Would it be possible to transfer my progress (save) from phone to pc version? 



This game is incredible. One of the best monster-girl games I've had the pleasure to play. Your work is amazing Threshold! I can't wait to see how this game turns out. I hope to see some more Venefica content in the future and maybe even a romantic ending with her :3 


I loved the update, spoiler alert obviously, here are a few of my toughts:

Good stuff:

- Becoming Perpetua's slave is a perfect ending, I have been begging and asking for more slave content ever since I started playing so this was a pleasant surprise.

- New music is amazing and its really nice to see you acually caring about old parts of the game and remastering them, and also always adding new CGs. Almost no other developers do that.

Bad stuff:

-The only bad thing I can think of is that this game isnt endless. Of course thats not possible, but I wish the updates happened more often. I understand it takes time and nobody wants to publish an imperfect product. The game is 10/10 anyways and people will always want more no matter what, so this point is not so important

What I personally would love to see:

I'm a huge fan of femdom content, being owned by the girls, being a slave to the girls and serving them, giving them money etc., and I woud of course love more of that. I would especially like more events like working for Venfica, or being kidnapped by the Manticore, one good example might be the Tengu. When you lose to her in a specific way, she wants to enslave you and take you to her place, but the stupid recall stone prevents that. It would be great to experience being enslaved by her, and of course always having an option to run away.

I would really like to see an option to intentionally put yourself in a feet worship, ass worship, anything and everything worship stance,  you have an option to lose intentionally anyways, so i think a few stances like that wouldnt hurt. It could also create some unique loss scenarios, maybe make submissive girls be dominant for a change? 

I would also love to see better optimization, the game runs like shit, especially the labyrinth, not even the highest end PC's can run it, all it would take is probably some tweaks to the game code, and I feel like theres a lot of programmers who could make it run good even with renpy. 

Thank you for making this beautiful game, and I will be supporting you untill the end! Best of wishes to you and everybody involved

Where can i find save folder on Windows 7?


It'll be Users/User/Appdata/Roaming/RenPy, look for MonGirl (and a bunch of numbers). You'll see any saves you've made, up to 10 autosaves, and "persistent" whatever that is

Help! Somehow I can't progress my relation with Venefica, I looked up the wiki for guides, and I saw that I didn't get the locked in jail scene, no battling any Rose, no working for her or getting the ownership of a bar. It said that I can check the relation status by the debuff, and when I did it's already maxed at 100, and somehow I don't have any of the perk that's needed to increase my relationship to her. Did I do something wrong?


the Capital music is such a bop

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