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I have a bug I think should be reported. I am a very high level (67) and as such, usually one shot low level enemies such as the ones in the Forest Dungeon. As such, whenever I encounter the Imp Den, to get it over with quickly, I use mass seduction to one shot/deal major damage to most enemies. I don't think the game quite knows what to do, as I get several errors saying it had issues displaying who was cumming or talking. It only happens in that scene with that skill, and seemingly only when 3 or more cum back to back.

Mayhaps things should be optimized, why you may ask... Man I just want to be able to play the game on Android again that's why (note: no rush though)


yeah there is lag for me even on pc

I didnt get the newest version because of this lol, i saw comments amd decided to hold back till it gets fixed

(1 edit)

I can't play any of the mods avaliable, I get a pop up saying that the game can't find the Meta.json, any help?

go on the discord if you havent already, there is an entire section in modding category just for modding help 


The game keep crashing for me

Welcome to the club.


Something I would love, if you're taking suggestions, is a rune/accessory that stops you from gaining EXP, because sometimes I just want to grind for money and stuff without worrying about over-leveling.

Yeah I'm at the point that despite my stats being 100 my attacks barely scratches enemies when I active nightmare mode in the labyrinth 


I must ask, did you use buffs at all?

there is no reason to create one for this. Whenever you level up, you could just choose not to spend your ability points. Even if you do that you won’t lose them and can spend them later on


Yeah but the Labyrinth scales off of levels not points.

Nightmare mode Labyrinth is the main issue here and perhaps needs some rebalancing. Its a fun idea to keep fights challenging and leveling without just grinding static enemies in large numbers but it also rather quickly escalates your strength to the point where almost anything outside of it becomes utterly trivial.

Can't wain until we get to go all the way through! Thanks for such a great game.


Dude, i am currently having lag issues, whenever a choice appears the game freezes and each scene change too, it started now.

Can someone help me?

Until the dev decides to address the crashing and lag issues on many devices, game is largely unplayable.  But I wouldn't expect it to be anytime soon since this is a persistent problem. 

i discovered what i needed to do, you simply try to use your 32 launcher even if you are 64 W


oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, i remember this one

Seems interesting! Is any of the scenes animated or all text based? Cheers!


Text based with CG Art


Cool! Thanks for replying too!


A request: I want to be able to marry Perpetua, possibly becoming her slave-husband. Please implement it as a future option.

I don't mean Dark Perpetua. I mean the real, adorkable Perpetua.


i agree with you, but i think i want to catcha them all

Deleted 1 year ago

Go to the church and reset your sensitivity and fetish levels.


I didnt have a problem with the oni twins, sure i could have done the fight faster but i managed to do it without dying and i think without losing spirit.

Hey, ive gotten past it :3 even on normal on hard mode, its beatable, just a neat little trick called grinding and reseting sensitivity and fetish levels


It's surprising to see that this game was made using Ren'Py, It's really interesting (and quite unique) how the author implented the battle system on a visual novel engine.


Sigh, stupid question, but how do I open my inventory to equip items?


Press the "menu" button on the lower end of the screen unless pc is different

If your on mobile its at the top and then you go to character and then it should be easy to go from there, you should find runes and accessories


On PC you can right-click or hit esc to pause then go to the character tab on the left. Then the inventory tab in the main screen.

Sounds complicated, it’s obvious what i mean when you hit character on the left.

  • Noticed you had mobile replies but no pc ones.

I think its different for every platform since the first guy said it was on the bottom, I'm on android and it's on the top, and you're on PC and you guys just have to use a keyboard


God I love the dev for adding this feature he new that some crazy people would definitely farm a lot and won't delete this game




And I have an inkling she is an arch imp


I see somebody is using the console...

I think I have the record of 483 legitly lol

I actually used a save editor since I'm on Android


Aren't there any game overs where a monster girl takes me as her permanent slave? >_>


Hmm pretty sure dark perpetua does that


Yay - I mean, horrible!


Actually i think shes the only one that does an actual gameover- or you could go to the candy shop and just ask to be a pet <.<

Where do I find the candy shop?


you gotta get the mushroom quest from Elly in the guild after getting the true sigil of power

Can that give you a game over too? I found it, but no game over.


No, the only proper game over currently available in the game is the one from Dark Perpetua.

(2 edits) (+3)

Mate, if you haven't played Monster Girl Quest, you are missing out big time if that's what you're looking for, it was my previous favourite porn game before I found Monster Girl Dreams, and the story in Monster Girl Quest is amazing


I fear Perpetua

creator... Perpetua eats cherries right? With the pit and all...? So unless her body naturally breaks down the cyanide in the pits shes a living chemical weapon, just one lick and that person is going to just flop dead


If... The Enchantment doesn't work that is.

But when you defeat the queen and the enchantment goes away... she would be the next demon queen, nobody could touch her due to the sheer amount of cyanide leaking from her

I mean... that's a hell of a theory.  Alternatively, anyone can bombard her with magic from range.  Also, IIRC the Enchantment is not specifically bound to the queen, and will outlast her.  I think that was a question on the discord a while ago.

Ah, but still tho- when that enchantment eventually fades imagine her lmao, she would be a walking chemical weapon

(1 edit)

I mean, assuming the enchantment is what also makes all the monsters human-compatible, I would figure it would remove the cyanide in her body.  Not much point in enabling wild monkey sex if all your sexual fluids are full of toxic chemicals.  Even after it wears down, Slimes are shown to have their appearance change based on food preferences - NOT the makeup of their bodies.  Besides, cyanide isn't red, so it's far more likely she's taken pigmentation in, and expelled the toxic byproduct after the fact.

Also, just so you know, this wouldn't even be an issue unless someone ATE Perpetua.  Cherry pits DO NOT have cyanide in and of itself - they have a compound called amygdalin that WHEN METABOLIZED BY HUMANS breaks down into minute quantities of cyanide.  Moreover, the amount of cyanide needed to prove lethal is equal to approximately 1.5 times the numerical weight of that person in milligrams. So, to kill a 150-pound adult human, you would need around 100 grams of cyanide.  The average amount of cyanide in a single cherry pit is about .17 grams, meaning almost 600 would need to not only be metabolized but also NOT DISSIPATE.  In order to reach the concentrations you're thinking of without dissipation, Perpetua would need to eat literal tons of cherries each day.

So, it's not really an issue.

Source: My father, who has worked as a chemist for almost 50 years.  He gave me some really odd looks at my questions.


I'm kind of excited for the level drain mechanic that is in the future plans part of the blog, It probably will make the game harder but I like that.


Oh god you just gave me flash backs to the insight draining fucks in blood borne lol


Heh. Insight could be easily farmed in chalice dungeons, anyway.

Well, I hope the level draining mechanic will be optional (kind of like level scaling).


Same tbh, or just like the insight guys, easy to kill or they are more of a rare kind of enemy

(1 edit) (+3)

Man fuck you creator TwT, now im hooked on the fucking adorable little love story i got going on between Icarius (the hero) and Kaia (won't reveal due to spoilers) why you gotta mess with my heart like this man 😢 

BTW I'm not actually hating the creator, it's just that dialog between the two is just tugging my at my heart

Deleted 1 year ago

Or the kinky collar of education, makes you lose faster and you gain even more exp

(1 edit) (+3)

Naaah that's legit sus why is she saying this does something bad happen when we collect all true sigil's she's definitely worried about something


Wait how did you collect all the true sigils?


I did not collect all the true sigils I only collected the true willpower sigil you can get it through fighting himika and mizuko at the same time 

Oh i collected that already but she never gave me special dialog... unless i skipped it by accident, this is my 4th playthrough after all

How I defeat Iabel? Pls help 🗿

if you talking about snake girl it's hard to, since she has no weaknesses you either gotta use a lot of buffs or run every time you get the chance to, better yet not to encounter her at all, that's what I did

Thanks but I have covered the part of the maze, I calculate and that's it, but when I open the lock I have to fight with it, that's where I'm stuck


So if you read the fine text it fuves clues on when you can run, read the words slowly and in clear words it will tell you when you can run, i hope this helps

(1 edit)

I have noticed a couple of things that causes the mobile version of the game to crash

Defeating multiple imps or trainees at the same time

Defeating the ninja training Hall anytime after the first mandatory time.

Defeating imps den even if done one at a time

Im on android mobile and it doesnt do that, it either might be a apple thing or your phone specs

probly... also my phone is galaxy flip i cant afford apple products

Hmm, interesting, it might be your saves too lol, or the age of the software, i usually factory reset my phone every 2-3 years


Btw to all that are struggling to level up heres a good grinding technique, ofc ill put it on the unrevealed section incase you wanna do everything by yourself

Mimics, every mimic you defeat with 3 enlightenment runes and a kinky collar of education (pratically) garentees a level up, barely took me 30 minutes for me to reach level... I forgot but all my stats are lvl 40 now


This game is really fun! I love the boss fights, especially the boss fight at the capital. That feeling of grinding levels and testing out strategies is my favorite thing about rpgs


This game is a huge disappointment. has good animation and detail, but no matter how hard I try I get completely destroyed on easy mode. I guess i'm just not good at this game. I just cannot progress at all. No matter what I try I lose every encounter. Every check fails and I just wanted to have fun with hot monster girls...but I guess I just can't figure it out. I hope you have a better time then I did


Ngl as someone who generally plays on the highest difficulty with multiple weakpoints I don't really understand how. Unless you've intentionally lost a bunch right at the start then never used the church to remove your weakpoints. As far as I'm concerned the only hard progression fight is Perpetua. Not saying there aren't other hard fights but imo thats the only one you may be limited in strategy unless yoiu grind a lot. 

Either way I'm just going to assume you did what I said prior, which is lost a bunch then didn't got to church to reset your fetishes and sensitivities. If you do that I'm pretty confident you'll find it easier.

(1 edit) (+1)

Speaking of that slime boss, any tips for a anti stance rune and accessory build? Im on easy mode too but just because I wanna enjoy the game lol, I finally grinded to get all my stats to lol 40 so I have every skill unlocked but now I just need something to help me keep out of stances and/or escape stances

Edit:I did it! She was hard but with 12 spirit and the demon layer no buff needed I did it!


Try restarting on easy, buy anazlize to begin with, it helps a bunch ehen trying to find weaknesses out and the second you find them out and remember them then even if you lose you can use the knowledge of your loss to your advantage, like fir example, sofia, i found out it takes three DL huts for here to insta down you, so i hit her 2 times and then when shes close enough to be downed by it i hit her with it, its a learning game not just purely a sex game because trust me the second you let your cock do the thinking it's perma game over


You can train your level in Vivian Inn, increase your stats to be more powerfull.
You can meet some boss and learn their weakness in Vivian Inn :)

At some point, you can become powerfull enough to insta kill most monster girls, so you can progress more easily.

does this game not have a gallery?


No, I doubt it will since its not really "that type of game" but its also not close enough to being finished to think about a gallery or at least I think so.

(1 edit) (+3)

It doesn't have that many CG art to begin with, what purpose would a gallery serve? I mean, it's right there at the top of this page: "Monster Girl Dreams is a text based BFRPG".

(1 edit)

Due to how each zone is split up and repeatable in at least one way, I don't think a gallery is really necessary, especially not with the amount of save slots available

anyone knew how get past will-power temple?idk why i keep stuck at the gas chamber..does it need to have a special item or what?really stuck at this point


Stop poking the same Lever that activates the Gas.


yeah,found it (need to read the dialogue and and return to the quiz room ) [my horny ass couldn't see that lmao

Felt that frfr TwT

Android player. I'm at like lvl 200 here. But the game has an odd bug where I can't progress to the capital. I already have the passport but I can't go. I got the passport before the update for the capital even existed so I don't know if that's the problem but yeah my story progress is locked. I have a save at lvl 70 that didn't beat floor 4, but when I did I got access to the capital. And since I don't wanna go down like 130 levels (Not even mentioning all the relationships.) I'm going to ask the page.

Go to the Labyrinth and pick the option similar to "Leave labyrinth" (sorry, don't remember the exact wording right now).

(1 edit)

wait yall get to play the game? it wont even open for me. (windows)

Anyone know how to get holy skill like demon layer?


Have at least 6 in Power, Technique, Allure and interact with the church brat enough. At some point she'll give you a quiz, answer correctly and that holy skill is yours.

(1 edit)

Fun, but I feel the balance can be a bit screwy at times. During those times, it feels less like I'm playing a lewd game and more like I'm paying taxes.
Edit: Couldn't keep playing the game. Too many taxes, too much punishment, not my fetish.

there is a cheat mod ;p


There should 100% be handholding


I wish headpatting gave more fun/cute situations instead of most of the monster girls just getting annoyed or pertubed. I especially wanna headpat Mika, the lizard girl, Amy and Mushroom girl off the top of my head

Does anyone else know how to beat dark perptua?


try utilizing her vulnerabilities, such as exploiting her weaknesses to holy attacks or any other weaknesses she may have. It's advisable to prioritize increasing luck as it will enhance your chances of landing critical hits. To maximize your damage output, begin by applying buffs. You can experiment with the following sequence: SenseWeakness, Overlimit, PowerUp, and DemonLayer. "SenseWeakness are optional if you're luck is to low" Iniative are important too so you can do your turn first to avoid interruption. hope it helps


she has a unique debuff. the aphrodesiac effect stacks

Or you can do as* pen with her so you can freely use buffs. 

I just got to level 138 via nightmare flighting a ton of peeps in the mazes then spent a ungodly amount of money on panacea and the muffin that gives you 500 500 while using items to make my dodge really high when out of stance focused on perks that gave me dodge and energy back on forplay skills and prayed.

This game hooked me really.. I maxed all my stats & I have all the perk available already :>>..and I even saved all scenes that i defeated every monster girls for no reason lol. I have nothing to any more even I can two tap Dark Perpetua.. of course with critical.. but still waiting for future update T_T

For now i got some tips for late stage of game 

- You most prioritize luck above all stats for crit purpose but you must still balance

-Panacea is most needly item in late stages

-Sofia Third fight Part 2 you can get huge amount of eros 40k-70k i think lol

-If you want to grind eros in mid-late game i think you can stick to minotour you can easily defeat them with the bust skills with the 4 bust perks available including worshipper you can get 100% damage boost!

**Hoping to add more content on vivian

and please fix sudden shut down or force close

how to find mods


If you go to the wiki there is a mods section which you can go to.

Am I the only one who can't edit my save file in save edit online? It keeps saying this


Man the first boss in the capital (you all know if you know) is almost impossible man, 3500 lust or what ever its called and i cant even cause a quarter of it with every boost possible, am i missing something?


Sounds like you either need to grind for more experience and levels, or your build needs some work/rework. There isn't just one way to win that fight… critical hits and aphrodisiacs should help at least a bit.


See i tried the crit stuff but the status affect is hard to deal with especially when i instantly goes into 50% because thats when distract doesnt work anymore


Just hit level 500+ like me and you can demon layer her in like a hit or 2 xD


If only i had the time to T_T

oh yeah,does the android save compatible with pc save,like i already play on mobile and reach the 4th stages i think? i've decided to play on pc since i can't buy anything on shop so does it compatible with pc save?(transfer mobile save to pc)


nice game,if this game has animations it will become top tier because of the story and the character,(not to pressure the dev but you made a good game ngl and tbh i tried to find mg related game but couldn't not find it until some discord user send me this)

noice one 👁️👄👁️👍🏽

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