V22.5 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
-Due to structural changes to the games file organization it is HIGHLY recommended you load a save in town. Or things will get janky.
-Additionally all mods will be broken at the launch of this game version, and will need to be updated. I'm very sorry for this.
-Galvi now has a Titfuck scene, written by Subject Alpha. It will always trigger on your second time with her (or next in the case of save file that have met with her prior), and after wards you'll get given a menu on subsequent meetings with her on which scene you want.
-Ive gone through and updated all of the camper trio's erotic scenes. Some more than others.
-The succubi campers now have a shortcut to their location once you've completed the quest.
-After completing Jora's quest you can easily visit her.
-The camper trio, Jennifer, Heather, and Catherine now has art by Otani.
-Simplified the ChangeProgressBasedOnVirility function to be a base line Virility x 0.1 before the multiplier set by the user. This is to make the function less confusing and easier to understand how fast it will act.
-I've revised the pent up perks build up via Virility, and it should ramp up slower later, but faster earlier on in Virility amount, overall it should be less punishing until you get past the 500 and 800 marks.
-Recoil damage can now make you and enemies orgasm.
-Increased the Alarune and Nicci's resistance to sex and anal by 10%, as well as their resistance to recoil damage by giving them the Pacing Perk.
-The wait command now restores 5% of your energy.
Systems and Modding New Stuff
-Added the HoldCurrentVirility function, which grabs the current virility of the player and uses it for all checks until HoldCurrentVirilityEnd is called.
-There's now a .json file in the perk folder with a list of all perk types and their effects, neatly organized, with special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-When using DisplayCharacters, you can now use the names of the characters instead of the number they are in the speaker list. eg: "DisplayCharacters", "Belle", "Nara", "Vivian", "EndLoop",
-Added 'Speak' Function that allows you to put in any name and have it be used as a speaker, even if not listed at the top. eg "Speak", "Vili and Nara", "Give us hugs!" or "Speak", "Trisha", "Hi", and it will use the given line as a speaker and then the following line as a line of dialogue similar to the speaks function, just keep in mind speaks always gets the first speaker from the supplied list in the file, while speak needs you to give it a name to use. Speak will also be handy when handling multiple characters talking given it can be a little hectic with 3 people talking.
-You can now use 'EventJump' in menus to jump right to the event you want without needing to make a scene for it. eg "EventJump", "'Bon Bon Bun'", "MenuOptionName". I have also added the ability to specifiy a scene to jump to. Eg. "EventJump", "'Bon Bon Bun'", "ThenJumpToScene", "StoreMenuReal", "MenuOptionName". These can also be used with the "FinalOption", function if desired.
-Added the CallSceneThenReturn Function which allows you to jump into a scene then return to where it was called initally. These can be called inside eachother as well. Exiting one of these calls is the same as ending an event, leaving it with no jump. Be sure to end a call or weird shit will happen, like rewinding time. Check TimePassed.json or EndOfDay.json for examples of its use.
-Added CallNextSceneJumpThenReturn which turns the next scene jump into a call and returns to where it was called from, works the same as CAllSceneThenReturn, but you can put a check with it, eg: "CallNextSceneJumpThenReturn", "IfFetishLevelEqualOrGreater", "Breasts", "3", "quickTiddyCheck", - This is NOT to be used with event jumps. The jump must be called directly after this is called or it will fizzle.
-Added CallEventAndSceneThenReturn which funtions the same as CallSceneThenReturn, but allows you to call a new event. ed: "CallEventAndSceneThenReturn", "Enter 'Amber's Adventuring Shop'", "AmberEventCallTest",
-Putting "ShuffleMenu" before any option in a menu will randomly shuffle the entire menu every time it's seen.
Systems and Modding Overhauls
-All game .json files have been moved out of the renpy folder and into the game folder, then reorganized to be easier to look through. Special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-IfDealyingNotifications is now properly named IfDelayingNotifications
-The "ApplyStatusEffectQuietly" function has been removed, and should be replaced with "ApplyStatusEffect". It functions the same.
-"ApplyStatusEffect" no longer is able to display a line of text from the skill itself in outcomes, and has been made permanently queit, move and skill text you may have been using into the actual event. Note that this only occured out of combat, and in combat it never did this, because it was jank.
-EndRandom in JumpToRandomScene calls has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-EndStances in IfPlayerHasStances has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-loopEnd in PlayImagePulseLoopingList, PlayImagePulseLoopingList2, PlayImagePulseLoopingRandom, and PlayCustomBarrage has been chaned to EndLoop for consistency.
-endStoreMenu in SkillShoppingMenu and ShoppingMenu has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-endSwap in SwapLineIf has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-EndMenu in Menu has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-End for display characters has been changed to EndLoop for consistency.
-The "questComplete" function is now "QuestComplete". For consistency.
-The following text functions have been capitilized for consistency (example: thePlayerName->ThePlayerName): thePlayerName, finalDamage, damageToPlayer, damageToEnemy, attackerName, attackerHeOrShe, attackerHisOrHer, attackerHimOrHer, targetName, targetHeOrShe, targetHisOrHer, targetHimOrHer, targetYouOrMonsterName, attackerYouOrMonsterName, attackerName2, attackerName3, attackerName4, attackerName5, sexWords, sexAdjective, displayPlayerChoice, displayMonsterChoice, playerOrgasmLine, progressDisplay, playerMoney, pink and colorEnd.
-The following perk types have had their spaces removed (example: "Foreplay Energy Regen" -> "ForeplayEnergyRegen") for the sake of ease of use.: Foreplay Energy Regen, Foreplay Arousal Regen, Foreplay DefDown, Get Out Of Stance, Remove Restraints, Run Chance, Better Prices, Buy Prices, Sell Prices, Damage Reduction, Recoil Boost, Allure Recoil Boost, Recoil Damage Taken, Crit Chance Boost, Crit Damage Boost, Out Of Stance Evade, Loss Exp, Eros Boost, Item Drop Chance, Treasure Find Chance, Give Sensitivity Points, Gain Spirit, NonPen Magic Boost, Breast Boost, Seduction Boost, Kiss Boost, Sex Boost, NonPen Sex Boost, Ass Boost, NonPen Ass Boost, Pain Boost, Penetration Boost, Baseline Allure Flat Buff, Baseline Allure Flat Percent Boost, Virility Boost, Trance Stun Chance, Orgasm Energy Drain, Aphrodisiac Turn Cure, Stance Stuck, Crit Chance Boost Self, Crit Damage Boost Self, Aphrodisiac Amp, Initiative Bonus, Sleep Amp, Status Chance Boost, Paralysis Amp, Exp Boost, Status Icon, Multiply Spirit, Removed on Orgasm, Gain Energy, Gain Arousal, Stun Res, Charm Res, Aphrodisiac Res, Restraints Res, Sleep Res, Trance Res, Paralysis Res, Sex Sensitivity, Ass Sensitivity, Breasts Sensitivity, Seduction Sensitivity, Magic Sensitivity, Pain Sensitivity, Holy Sensitivity, Unholy Sensitivity, Increase Fetish, Decrease Fetish, Oral Boost, Monstrous Boost, Feet Use Boost, Breast Use Boost, Ass Use Boost, Foreplay Boost, Indulgent Boost, Sex Toy Boost, Resist Final Orgasm, Semen Energy Drain, Semen Heal, Semen Attack Boost, No Anus, No Chest, No Mouth, No Pussy
-The perk type: Start Deeper in trance, is now StartDeeperInTrance, and Cant Break Free of Trance Without Items is now CantBreakFreeOfTranceWithoutItems
-The following line triggers in monster files have been capitilized for consitencey. eg: "hitWith" -> "HitWith" List of altered functions: hitWith, hitWithA, usesMove, escape, lowHealth, playerLowHealth, onSurrender, onPlayerOrgasm, stanceStruggle, stanceStruggleComment, stanceStruggleFree, stanceStruggleFreeComment.
-restraintStruggle, restraintStruggleCharmed, restraintEscaped, restraintEscapedFail have also been capitilized for line triggers, just be sure you dont accidently apply the capitilization to a skill file by accident.
-Removed the "CallEvent" function, trust me you weren't using it.
-CallEventThenScene has been changed to CallCombatEventAndScene for the sake of clarity and sanity.
-Fixed Elena and Elly's normal intro scenes not displaying unless you got all their special intro scenes.
-Fixed a spacing issue in combat menus involving items (or skills) with very long names.
-Time now properly advances with Elena's bar event if nothing lewd occurs.
-During the forest inn event if you win the combat it now properly returns to day if it was day when you got there.
-Fixed a song not playing when you touch Venefica's ears.
-Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when timed perks wear off.
-The succubus glory hole event and Venefica's milking job now properly check for the player's Virility prior to the first orgasm, so pent up perks properly apply to the end result.
-Fixed Mara paying u even if u didn't work for the bar in one specific instance.
-Ancilla's service scenes, and the one imp bj during a cleaning event, now have proper orgasm calls.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
Get Monster Girl Dreams
Monster Girl Dreams
A lewd text based BFRPG made in Ren'Py. (The BF stands for Battle Fuck.)
Status | In development |
Author | Threshold |
Genre | Role Playing, Visual Novel |
Tags | Erotic, Femdom, Monster Girls, Ren'Py, Text based |
Languages | English |
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