v23 update changelog
V23 Change Log
Remember to update your save in town.
For pre v23 saves - Due to structural changes to the games file organization it is HIGHLY recommended you load a save in town. Or things will get janky. Very janky.
-Also I'm very sorry, but I broke all the mods again.
-Gren the frog girl, by Valentin Cognito, has been added to the game. She can be encountered via the "Ribitting Encounters" Forest Event, which is available after completing the Tutorial. This includes some new content for those that have already played the mod.
-Beris has 2 new erotic scenes focused on roleplay, one requires demon layer. (The list for the role play will look a little bare right now.) By Game Salamander.
-The Cuddly Imp scene and the Solo Elf scene at the Brothel have received edits by Valentin Cognito
-Old save files get a respec ticket when updating their save files, I highly recommend you go to the guild(Elena) and use it.
-You can now respec your stats at the guild hall after clearing the willpower temple (it will most likely be changed when it's unlocked at a later time). It gets very expensive if you keep doing it.
-There's multiple new item drops from enemies, with rather high drop rates, such as loot items, and single use combat items.
-Amber sells some new healing, and combat items, dependant on your main location progresion.
-Monsters should now all have responses to almost all skills, including new ones.
-Feng now has art, by Jiffic.
-Salarisi now have art, by Applehead.
-Gren's art is by Jiffic.
-New free use music has been added to the games files. Most of which is for Grens addition. Some for later use.
Gameplay Changes
-Fetishes now work on a scale from 0-100, with the number representing the direct amount of damage you will take extra, and the fetish levels for check and other effects being broken up into 25, 50, 75 and 100. Overall this will decrease the amount of fetish levels you will gain over time, and make it easier to keep track of.
-The leg (thigh) fetish has been implemented into the game.
-Willpower has been split into Intelligence and Willpower.
-Int increases the duration of your own status effects by int*0.5%*effect duration so at 100 int, skills would last 50% longer. Keep in mind skills that last 1 turn will be increased to 2, as all effects also last the turn they are cast.
-Damage reduction is now only calculated with Willpower.
-Int also increases your base chance to apply all status effects, and will increases your chance to resist all status effects.
-Existing items, skills and perks have been tweaked to accomodate the will/int split, specifically ones which had willpower before may now refer to int instead, but not all.
-Every 5 points you put into power now gets you 10 extra max arousal, every 5 points of int gets you 5 extra max energy. Only counts rank ups, equipment and perks do not apply. Enemies do not get these bonuses to make measuring out hp values less of a headache.
-Players do now start with about 10 less max arousal and 5 less energy to accomodate these changes. Old saves will have a bit extra because of this.
-Power and Allure both increase crit damage dealt by (stat*0.525-2.5).
-Stat caps no longer count your gear or perks for increasing your stats. (eg if you have 100 power, and lower it with an item, you cant increases it higher, but if you have 100 power with an item on increasing your power by 25, you can keep increasing until you get to 125)
-Equipment and perk gained stats no longer count towards getting perks or skills (your base stats are displayed on the level up screen with no items to help display this).
-Core skills now scale off int, power, allure, and tech, the equation has been updated to match the prior numbers more or less to accomodate the extra stat.
-Skills focused on a single stat have had their percentage damage increase to base damage increased, and base damage increased as well.
-Restraint and Sleeps scaling with stats now works the same as stat buffs/debuffs.
-Sleep is no longer based on random chance if you wake up, and functions similar to restraints, only using mental stats (will and int + luck) to break free.
-Stances now use an HP system similar to restraints, instead of random rolls, stances also now become harder to escape if you have a related fetish.
Stat Checks
-All willpower checks have been revised to be either Temptation checks or Intelligence checks, depending on the check.
-Stat checks have been altered to be more balanced over a longer period of the game, and willpower will be less mandatory to survive temptation stat checks.
-StatCheck now has Temptation as a type to check, which uses will*0.1 + int*0.1 + allure*0.1 to judge your mental fortitude bonus for the roll.
-Normal Stat checks stat bonus are now based on stat*0.15, from stat/3
-Luck bonus die is now maxed = luck*0.1 from luck/5
-Bonus to stat checks from defending is unchanged. (5/3/1)
-If you fail a stat check you may now choose to surpass it at the cost of energy, which scales with the difficulty of the check vs you stat bonus.
-Many high difficulty checks have been toned down to be easier given the numbers you get are lower. Altough some checks have also been updated to become harder based on your fetish levels, Trisha for example.
-You now start with 3 sensitivity points at character creation, down from 5. Easy starts with 5, hard starts with 1.
-The food buffs have been revised to be a simple energy boost across all the meal types. This may change again later.
-Pound no longer lowers attack as a status effect, instead if it hits three times in a row it will stun the target, regardless of resistances.
-Restraints now work on almost all enemies, but bosses and some other enemies can now act the turn they break out of restraints.
-Many skills stat requirements, and energy costs have been changed
-Ear tease is now a foreplay skill.
-Buffed Ancilla's fight, her counter now stuns, and she has a normal footjob starter.
-All enemys level 20 and higher (including those who get buffed up to it by events) have had their exp drops increased from about 50-100, those in the 40+ range were increased even more, vili for example had her exp drop increased from 350 to 600, and sofia's thrid fight had its exp drop increased from about 900, to 1500.
-Crit chance is now Tech*0.1 + luck*0.25 down from Tech*0.1 + luck*0.25. The base crit chance (on normal if all stats are 5) is still 5%.
-Lucks affect on decreasing your chances to be hit by a crit has been removed, as well as the line if a crit is negated from these effects. Perks can still affect your personal rate of being hit by cirts.
-Teleports base chance of success has been decreased to 75 from 90, keep in mind higher int will increase the chance of success.
-Many level up perk requirements have been altered.
-The heroic cumback perk now also scales with willpower.
-Paralysis has been revised slightly, stats impact lower the chance to be stunned less, when the chance is below 0 it now says 0 instead of a negative number, and the chance to stun starts a bit higher, but also caps at 95, and then is brought down by stats and the number of turns you've been stunned in a row. Perks that.
-Fairy circle ring now decreases your chance to be stunned via paralysis by 15, down from 30.
-A lot of items have had their values altered, early game gear is overall cheaper.
-Glamour and Invigorate have been removed from the game, you have been refunded you eros.
New Player Stuff
-New Player skills: Pin, Overlimit, Squeeze Ass, Breast Knead, Lovingly Rough Kiss, Smoldering Seduction, Smoldering Flaunt, Carrying Fuck, Favor's Misfortune, Agility Amplification, Massage Ass, Skillfully Passionate Kiss, Massaging Seduction, Anal Piston, Enfeeble, Misty Kiss, Arousero, Charm Wave, Cloying Mist, Channeling Thrust, Mass Seduction, Enamor, Placebo Pheromone, Disarming Appeal, Sensually Seductive Kiss, Fondle Ass, Breast Fondle, Passionate Lovemaking
-New perks: Aphrodisiac Resistant, Aphrodisiac Enduring, Expert Tongue, Sensual Lover, Breast Expert, Ass Connoisseur, Steady Pacing, Expert Pacing, Pussy Lover, Serendipity, Calculated, Alert, Thoughtful Schemer, Insightful Schemer, Moveable, Uncontainable, Clingy, Grappler, Domineering, Restraining Expert, Escape Expert, Ecstatic Strike, Euphoric Strike, Enticing Touch, Melty Touch, Slippery, Evasive, Tricky, Insightful Wit, Studious, Meditative Caress, Predictive, Sensual Pace, Honey Trap, Sensual Mood Setter, Endurance, Mindful Relaxation, Resilient
-The game now tracks you stat points and sensitivity points spent for potential later use. Much later use.
-The character menu descriptions of fetishes and their level now better reflects the 25, 50, 75, 100 stages. Originally they only had it in 3, 5 and 10.
-There's now a confirm stats button when leveling up (or respecing) that you need to hit if you want to buy perks with your new stat points. This is to avoid people from circumventing requirements.
-Renamed Desperate Struggle to Struggle!!! so it stops clipping into the escape skill menu.
-Added a notification that you cant report back to elly about her quest yet.
-Mod manual hasn't been updated due to something that's coming soon.tm. The patch notes will assist you in update your mod, and the text file on how to install mods has been updated.
-Mod loader has been replaced completely and it's integrated directly into the game, additionally a lot of file loading has been restructured, Lists for example basically dont exist anymore. By, (and special thanks to) Feltcutemightcleanlater.
-Check the new mods .txt in the mgd folder to learn more!
-Simplified how fetishes are given as a perk to be, for example: "IncreaseFetish", "Breasts|/|5". Allowing it to be much easier to use.
-Simplified how feitshes are added to monsters, from "Fetishes": [ "Cock", "Cock", "Cock", "Cock", "Cock"], to "Fetishes": [ "Cock|/|5"],
-Added ChangeMonsterInt and ChangeInt functions.
-Added Intelligence perk type.
-Added GiveSkillQuietly and RemoveSkillFromPlayerQuietly functions.
-Added EndOfCombat event type that triggers every end of combat. For specific skills in for the player.
-Added RestraintBoost and StanceBoost perk types.
-Duration is now automatically added to skill tool tips.
-Added a RespecPlayer function.
-ClearMonsterEncounteBossFight has been properly renamed to ClearMonsterEncounterBossFight
-StatChecks now only take 1 stat check.
-But they can now take ChangeStatCheckDifficulty before the check to alter the stat check's difficulty with these functions. This simplifies the prior method of doing this. Using the following functions. IfEncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualTo, IfEncounterSizeLessOrEqualTo, IfPlayerHasStatusEffect, IfHasFetish, IfFetishLevelEqualOrGreater, IfVirilityEqualsOrGreater, IfProgressEqualsOrGreater, GetAnEventsProgressThenIfEqualsOrGreater, IfChoice, GetEventAndIfChoice
-The following function have been removed, (more specifically moved to the stat check function): IfEncounterSizeGreaterOrEqualToChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, IfEncounterSizeLessOrEqualToChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, IfPlayerHasStatusEffectChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, IfHasFetishChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, IfFetishLevelEqualOrGreaterChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, VirilityEqualsOrGreaterChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, ProgressEqualsOrGreaterChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, GetAnEventsProgressThenIfEqualsOrGreaterChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, IfChoiceChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty, GetEventAndIfChoiceChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty
-ChangeNextStatCheckDifficulty and ResetStatCheckDifficultyModifer are still around to handle edge cases.
-Added optional skill fields "requiresStatusEffectSelf", "requiresStatusPotencySelf", and "unusableIfStatusEffectSelf", which checks to see if the skill user has the listed status effect, then allows or dissallows the skill to be used. Works the same as the non-self version, _BlankSkill.json has an example.
-Added the optional skill field critChance, which can increase or decrease that specific skills chance to crit.
-Added the optional skill field critDamage, which can increase or decrease that specific skills crit damage modifiers, additive.
-Added the optional skill field accuracy which can increase or decrease that specific skills chance to hit. Does not affect status chance, as that's a different thing.
-Added the optional skill field initiative which can increase or decrease that specific skills turn order. Enemy decision making was restructured to allow this to work for them as well.
-Out of combat stance calls, as well as counter attacks and end of round calls need to have the skill manually set for the fetish check, or it may use the players skill for the fetish application to stance durability. eg. "ApplyStance", "Anal", "SetAttack", "Assjob",
-The skill fields: restraintStruggle, restraintStruggleCharmed, restraintEscaped, and restraintEscapedFail can now be used optionally as arrays if you want to have alternate struggle lines for a restraining move without needing to use monster file functions.
-The skill field "removesStance" can now be optionally set as an array to remove multiple specific stances, like so. ["Sex", "Titfuck", "Slimed", "Slimed 50%", "Slimed 100%"],
-The skill field "startsStance" can now be optionally set as an array to start multiple stances, like so. ["Sex", "Making Out"],
-Added KissingAdverse perk type to tell the AI to get out of making out even if it has a skill for it.
-The perk ypes 'Anal Adverse' and 'Sex Adverse' have been altered to be 'AnalAdverse' and 'SexAdverse' respectively.
-Skill additions now exist and allow you to add on more to the following: fetishTags, startsStance, unusableIfStance, requiresTargetStance, unusableIfTarget, removeStance.
-Added the optional skill fields "requiresPerk", "requiresOnePerk", "unusableIfPerk", "requiresPerkSelf", "requiresOnePerkSelf", and "unusableIfPerkSelf", these are primarily for use on enemey skills to reaact to perks the player has, like rut or pent up for example, or modded custom status effects. But could have multiple other uses.
-Added two tentative monster functions, PlayerRecoil and PlayerRecoilA that check if a skill had recoil damage, then triggering a line after the attack, before the on hit line is given. Only works for player recoil based skills.
"lineTrigger": "PlayerRecoil",
"move": "Thrust",
"theText": [ "|f|ChangeImageLayer|/|Expression|/|Seductive|n||f|ChangeImageLayer|/|Base|/|Base|n|'Oh you look like you're enjoying yourself.?' The longer you swing your hips, fucking the alraunes pussy, the better it feels, you take X arousal." ]
-Added RemovePerkFromMonster function.
-You can now use "CallMonsterAttack" to call a specific attack from the monster and have it act like a normal attack, eg: "CallMonsterAttack", "SpecificAttack", "Charm", Just keep in mind that this wont use any one the monsters skill selection AI, so they may end up trying to use a skill that wont work. But this is a good method of having a combat event use a status effect check normally.
-You can now buff or debuff stats with skills by a percentage by using "%Power", "%Technique", "%Intelligence", "%Willpower", "%Allure", or "%Luck".
-Monster Dialogues 'move' feilds can now be made an array to compact same responses into one feild.
-If a skill is typed as healing, and has a status effect, that skill will remove the status effect, All can be used to clear all.
-Consumables now need a skill to be used, (check holy water for an example of not actually using a skill for a healing item. the hp, ep and sp feilds still work for flat values in this case.)
-Consumable items can now give exp.
-Healing skills can now use statusEffectScaling to alter how effective it scales with a stat, or set it to not scale at all.
-Added PercentMaxArousal statType for healing skills, which heals the user based on a percent of their arousal determined by the power. eg 30 power = 30% of max arousal will be recovered.
-ItemType healing has been removed in exchange for itemtypes: Consumable, DissonantConsumable, NotCombatConsumable, CombatConsumable, and Loot.
Consumable - usable in and out of combat
DissonantConsumable - uses the skill line in combat, and the useOutcome line out of combat (also checks for exp feild)
NotCombatConsumable - only usable out of combat
-if no skill is given it reads the use outcome line
CombatConsumable - only usable in combat
Loot - never usable, can be a sudo key item, if you want it to be interactable in some way, make it a not combat consumable and put some stuff on use outcome
-Items that are Dissonant, or have no named skill read the text from their item's outcome line, but cant be used during any events or allow the player to open the menu during them due to some renpy stuff.
-Counters can counter items based on their the items name, or the name of the skill they use.
-Equipment with skills in their list will give those skills upon being equiped. This gets kind of janky with runes, as you can get multiples of a skill this way.
-Fixed a pathing error on android that required .json files for the game to be in the renpy folder. With extra special thanks to feltcutemightcleanlater.
-Fixed stunning someone while they're sleeping completely stun-locking them as they couldn't wake up when stunned.
-Fixed the game reloading the databases when you entered town for no reason when you just started a new game.
-Fixed Galvi's titfuck scene giving sex fetish when you're working.
-If you use the imp glory hole and run out of spirit on the first orgasm, you wont be given the option to pull out and start a fight at 0 spirit.
-Fixed an issue where a test dream was actually being used as a normal dream, the 'you dream of big butt' one.
-The game now properly takes into account if you're targeting an enemy who ends up orgasming via recoil damage before you manage to attack them when there's more than one enemy, preventing crashes and other oddness.
-Fixed a crash if both you and your opponent both lose your last spirit at the same time.
-Tweaked the end of some dream scenes to remove the wet dream aspects, so they are clear they wont remove the pent up status.
-Fixed a potential crash when adventuring.
-Fixed the bug where trying to go to the Guild at night, then getting sent to town, then attempting to adventure would send you to a town location, again, for realz this time.
-Losing to Kaia now properly clears your status effects. -Paralysis description no longer clips off the screen.
-A save name is applied to you file even if you skip the intro.
-Location menus where NPC's are displayed now use arrows if there are more than 5 options avalible, instead of using the old jank menu options if there was more than 4, this mostly only applies to mods. But it's a good change.
-Calling scenes then returning, as well as some other functions, now work properly when using location enter event types.
-Combat can now be called during a scene call that returns to origin without the combat imploding and ending.
-The ApplyStatusEffect function now users the focused monsters stats when applicable for scaling an effect against the player.
-Condensed Player stance escape code from 2 variants to 1 cause past me did a stupid.
-Fixed a bunch of bugs with adventure additions. Also if a deck for an adventure addition is blank, it will not replace the existing deck.
-Fixed recoil damage not taking fetishes into account.
-Jora and Mizuko no longer try to break out of the make out stance even when charmed.
-End of round checks for monsters are now done before their status effect tick downs (this will stop one of the imps in the big group fight from being stunned an extra turn when you counter their group skill.)
-Fixed an issue with |f|orgasm calls breaking orgasm lines (Vili and sofia mostly), as well as issues with calling |f| lines out of combat doing weird shit, like infinitely looping or yeeting you to town.
-Energy now properly goes up and down when you spend points on energy instead of restoring it to full.
-Streamlined some internal character menu stuff.
-Fixed the sleep effect not working on turn one for monsters.
-Skill tooltips now all run off the same dang function.
-Clicking the spirit heart during menus no longer selects a menu option for you.
-Assorted typo fixes and editing.
Get Monster Girl Dreams
Monster Girl Dreams
A lewd text based BFRPG made in Ren'Py. (The BF stands for Battle Fuck.)
Status | In development |
Author | Threshold |
Genre | Role Playing, Visual Novel |
Tags | Erotic, Femdom, Monster Girls, Ren'Py, Text based |
Languages | English |
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I found a few glitches too, when you get the "Grappler" perk and go to the afflictions menu it gives you an error and you can't use Pin. Another one is in the blue wills trial with Kotone's second trial. When it's supposed to roll for wether you resist or not it'll give you an error and then you can just hit ignore and choose give up and immediatly pass the test.
Getting an error whenever I pick up the respec ticket in town that softlocks the rest of the game (entering any building only gives me the option to leave, and going to the world map only lets me go back to town).
Looks like there's a lot of cool stuff in this update, can't wait to check it all out!
dayuummmm this update looks huge, thanks for ur hard work uwu