Not very likely, as nothing involving them seems to correlate, plus unless i'm miss remembering something, there have been multiple cases of this as stated by the voltin and as we've seen first hand with both Venefica, and Petua :]
Go to Nara(the dancer human you encounter on the mountain), and while fighting her, use the penetrate move to enter sex stance there is a CG for that stance specifically.
Idk if it appears in first fight or only rematches, I haven't started a new run recently to check that. But it definitely shows up in rematches.
The capital. Ampere is the checkpoint girl durning the day, lovol is the one at night. To do the 3some event you need to have fooled around with Lovol in the arcade (she is there durning the day, and i think there are 2 events with her there?) and then go with Ampere to her place when her shift ends there is a chance the lovol pops up asking to join in
She describes her origin in her dialogue, she's a tsukumogami (think a mimic, but one that gained sentience after existing and being in contact with people for dozens or hundreds of years). There's more than that to her, but it's more fun to talk to her directly imo.
im new to pc, say i completed this version of the game and an update comes out, does the update apply to the current installed ver for me? or do i have to start?
In order to not lose progress, you first create a backup copy of save folder (located in "game" folder)->Download the new/most recent version of the game.->Move your save there.
For smaller stuff (like bug fixing/minor things between versions), developer tends to release Patch Data which you can download on the update's article.
EDIT: As far as I know, the game does not update automatically.
Not much. Check the stores and arcade, try the small fry fight added with the recent update… other than that, you've pretty much reached end of currently available content.
You should be able to invite bed chan to your bed like you whould need to do something for her then she whould give you a piece of her and you could put that peice in your bed so sometimes she whould try to rape the player when he whould go to bed
When visiting Perpetua's house you can look trough her bookshelf. There you can take a look at Perpetuas secret evil schemes, where she has a sleim vllge restoration section where she has drawn up plans to restore the village. Exhaust all of her dialog and revisit sleim vllge. When you return Perpetua should be with Silver at the Sleim vllge shoppe. Talk to them, and you can begin the Sleim vllge restoration. You may have to exhaust dialog with the shopkeeper as well, before you can begin the restoration.
Login note number 2: OMG OMG OH MY FUCKING GODDESSES!!! THE UPDATE!!! YHE UPDATE ISSS HEREEEE!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS HERR!!! OUR HOPE!!! ITS HERE!!! OH MAN I CANNOT EXPRESS ON HOW FUCKING HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW........ sorry....I was a bit...exited... But what I will say that the update is here, and I can already see the effects of it, my friends...there back to normal! Well there still some side effects of the no update... But give it a day or two and they will be back! I just can't express on how happy I am...I thought this was going to be a lot longer, but no. The update came...I'm just so happy right now... Words can't express it...but...I'll have to end it it's best if you just play it, and I also want to play the update lol, but anyways thank the goddess and threshold for releasing the update.... anyways I'll cya imma play the update.
(I was shocked to see that a update came like 3 hours ago and I didn't notice lol, but anyways thank you for the update threshold and those who work on it we cannot express our gratitude enough, and we will always support you no matter what!)
Patience is key my friends, but here's the discord link in case anyone wants to ask questions. Just pls be kind and respectful, we're all only human after all :]
I did start playing this game a while back just for some... Material to use, so to speak... But I ended up playing more because it was genuinely enjoyable as well, just as a game, hahah
Where is my holy head pat buff, why does it not scale, this makes me sad (Edit, this is me 11 minutes after now realizing that Holy Head pat is just an instant win. LOL)
As long as there are plans of an update will be fine...I think... (I mean he could of made an announcement in the dev log, but that's fine as long as we get an update will be happy)
Her strategy revolves around applying powerful buffs to herself and applying Charm on the player. Putting her in Sex stance is not recommended, as she takes reduced Arousal from such and can counter-attack with various moves of her own. The best way to defeat Nara is by using breast attacks thanks to her very high breast sensitivity, while avoiding her Charms with Ugli Herbs or other anti-debuff items.
Technically you could use a strat oooooooooor, just power level the Forest dungeon untill you are sayy.... level 50... may or may not be what i did... made the next zone a breeze. (All i did was fight Sofia on the lowest difficulty repeatedly, gives like 800+ xp and not to hard IMO)
the wiki has a mod page. For new things to lose to i would recommend the Beach Mod, as it has swimsuit imp, elf, then 3 new generic monsters and 4 new unique monsters to lose to/fight
Login note number 1: it's my first time writing on this and hopefully my last... but it has been far too has been months since the last update...people....are going friends...I'm one of the few people who are still clinging to their humanity...I...I don't know if I can keep going... The only reason why I haven't gone insane because of the side content with mara...but that too...has been completed... If there is no update in the next few months....who knows what would happen... I'm signing off, hopefully there is an update...there is still hope... And I'm clinging on it.
(Jokes aside, please take your time in this massive update I presume, and the login note? Please don't take it too seriously since I'm Only doing for fun because there has been no updates lol, and again please take your time into making this update we will support you no matter what, anyways good luck with the update! And make sure to take breaks if you can! And hopefully I can make a another if the update comes)
So does it end just as you enter the capital? I can't find out how to access other districts so just want to know if I can't figure it out or it just isn't added yet?
Love this idea! Sadly.. this would be a big pain in the butt for thresh to implement, as with this, and many other different abilities that could be added, he would need to write/rewrite a crap ton of dialog.
My second attempt reaching the capital at the lowest level I could manage(first attempt: lvl32, second attempt: lvl19) sadly no unique dialogue with perpetua yet and there's not much room for optimization, defeated 1 unnecessary enemy and defeated 1 mandatory at night if anyone has better luck/finds unique dialog I'd love to see it
There's an old patch where you could run from all fights including bosses but I don't have the file and never tried to complete the game with 0xp while it was
What if there's no unique dialogue because the creator never thought someone would have tried an "as close as possible to a no-level run"? Wouldn't be the first time folks tried to look for something which simply isn't there.
When you fight her the second time she is level 5, we dont know her level at the capital, but she says on her way home from the capital she hit level 10 and her self identify (somehow) says she has no more room for growth. (Like idk does her exp say max or something?) So she could be anywhere from level 5 to level 9 when she checks your level and is crushed.
Well you still need to win some tough fights to get to her so i think you have to be at least 15 to get to the capital so no matter what it will show you grew faster then her and the level difference between 10 and 15 makes the fight still easy after all
I've been following this game for a while and it still blows my mind just how deep the writing is. The worldbuilding, the characters, the plot, all of it draws you in. I'm also a fan of games where it isn't just the intercourse, the intercourse is also your weapon, your armour, and your world around you, and all of it blends together into a convincing package.
Locate the save data folder and transfer them manually, through a cable or stick. Go to the AppData folder. Just follow this and substitute things in the brackets with your local PC equivalent. This PC -> [Local Disk] -> Users -> [Your Profile] -> AppData. Inside the AppData folder, you'll find three folders, the save data is in one of them. You will need to turn on the view of hidden items to be able to see the AppData folder because it's off by default. Just click on the [View] option and at the bottom of the pop-out menu should have the [Show] option. Inside, you can just turn on the view of hidden files. I can't help you with locating the saved data in a phone though.
I think there's a save syncing function inside the game. But it will overwrite your save if they are saved in the same page and same position, so be sure to move them to an empty save slot for another device before syncing!
At the moment (December 15, 2024), I have a suggestion for a future update.
When we have a character that's overpowered (current keeper is at level 266) we can convert excess sensitivity and perk points into arousal/energy/spirit points. Or, use them as currency to gain overpowered rune/accessories that's not sold by the golden mimic. Or maybe use them to buy special perks for facing the demon queen herself.
This is from the assumption that the demon queen will be at level 150 on easy (level 400 on hard) and there will be no new game plus.
← Return to game
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I need Stella's city quest I've been waiting so long
Me too bro, I wanna look for her core
same (could it be that her core is that thinf that Perpetua absorbt to turn into Dark Perpetua?)
Not very likely, as nothing involving them seems to correlate, plus unless i'm miss remembering something, there have been multiple cases of this as stated by the voltin and as we've seen first hand with both Venefica, and Petua :]
Where do find Nara's sex CG?
Go to Nara(the dancer human you encounter on the mountain), and while fighting her, use the penetrate move to enter sex stance there is a CG for that stance specifically.
Idk if it appears in first fight or only rematches, I haven't started a new run recently to check that. But it definitely shows up in rematches.
Can someone tell where to find this Ampere and Lovol? They don't appear on the monster girl wiki page
The capital. Ampere is the checkpoint girl durning the day, lovol is the one at night. To do the 3some event you need to have fooled around with Lovol in the arcade (she is there durning the day, and i think there are 2 events with her there?) and then go with Ampere to her place when her shift ends there is a chance the lovol pops up asking to join in
Is bed chan a kind of slime? Maybe we could get her to the village
She describes her origin in her dialogue, she's a tsukumogami (think a mimic, but one that gained sentience after existing and being in contact with people for dozens or hundreds of years). There's more than that to her, but it's more fun to talk to her directly imo.
im new to pc, say i completed this version of the game and an update comes out, does the update apply to the current installed ver for me? or do i have to start?
When there's an important update:
In order to not lose progress, you first create a backup copy of save folder (located in "game" folder)->Download the new/most recent version of the game.->Move your save there.
For smaller stuff (like bug fixing/minor things between versions), developer tends to release Patch Data which you can download on the update's article.
As far as I know, the game does not update automatically.
Thank you!
what do you do after gaining access to the capital?
Not much. Check the stores and arcade, try the small fry fight added with the recent update… other than that, you've pretty much reached end of currently available content.
alright, thank ye kindly
You should be able to invite bed chan to your bed like you whould need to do something for her then she whould give you a piece of her and you could put that peice in your bed so sometimes she whould try to rape the player when he whould go to bed
could you tell me how to do that? I only now discovered her along with Aiko, but I wanna try taking a piece of her as well. Didn't know you could that
you can't i'm suggesting this to be in a update
aah i see, good suggestion
does anyone know how to enter the will side in the will temple for Bed-Chan??
Bro, what are you even saying? Enter the temple and explore the blue side, and you'll find her.
How do you start recruiting for the slime village? Nobody there says anything about it to me.
When visiting Perpetua's house you can look trough her bookshelf. There you can take a look at Perpetuas secret evil schemes, where she has a sleim vllge restoration section where she has drawn up plans to restore the village. Exhaust all of her dialog and revisit sleim vllge. When you return Perpetua should be with Silver at the Sleim vllge shoppe. Talk to them, and you can begin the Sleim vllge restoration. You may have to exhaust dialog with the shopkeeper as well, before you can begin the restoration.
Thanks. Much appreciated. :)
does anyone know how to enter the will side in the will temple for Bed-Chan??
Les Gooooooo!!
i have one question how many times do i neet to level up to gain 1 perk point ?
3 levels for a perk as far as i recall. 5 for a point of resistance change .
does anyone know how to enter the will side in the will temple for Bed-Chan??
I think there's a bug with the new Sleim Vllge content. Having over 2500 Eros for the fishing stuff makes it unable to progress.
Its not a quite a, bug its just ambiguous wording. What you need to do is leave slime village completely when you get enough funds then come back.
New MGD update? Year's off to a great start! :)
Login note number 2: OMG OMG OH MY FUCKING GODDESSES!!! THE UPDATE!!! YHE UPDATE ISSS HEREEEE!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS HERR!!! OUR HOPE!!! ITS HERE!!! OH MAN I CANNOT EXPRESS ON HOW FUCKING HAPPY I AM RIGHT NOW........ sorry....I was a bit...exited... But what I will say that the update is here, and I can already see the effects of it, my friends...there back to normal! Well there still some side effects of the no update... But give it a day or two and they will be back! I just can't express on how happy I am...I thought this was going to be a lot longer, but no. The update came...I'm just so happy right now... Words can't express it...but...I'll have to end it it's best if you just play it, and I also want to play the update lol, but anyways thank the goddess and threshold for releasing the update.... anyways I'll cya imma play the update.
(I was shocked to see that a update came like 3 hours ago and I didn't notice lol, but anyways thank you for the update threshold and those who work on it we cannot express our gratitude enough, and we will always support you no matter what!)
Highlight of the year right here 🗣️
Patience is key my friends, but here's the discord link in case anyone wants to ask questions. Just pls be kind and respectful, we're all only human after all :]
I did start playing this game a while back just for some... Material to use, so to speak... But I ended up playing more because it was genuinely enjoyable as well, just as a game, hahah
Where is my holy head pat buff, why does it not scale, this makes me sad (Edit, this is me 11 minutes after now realizing that Holy Head pat is just an instant win. LOL)
Sometimes it enrages bosses
It also immediately pacifies some.
And it steals Ushris' hat!
It's a joke skill, and a pretty fun one at that.
I will wait for the day the next update comes my way. This game is a masterpiece in the making.
As long as there are plans of an update will be fine...I think... (I mean he could of made an announcement in the dev log, but that's fine as long as we get an update will be happy)
They can take their time I don't mind
I'm confident the update will be on the 1st of the 1st. If not I clearly haven't sacrificed enough virgins to out dark Lord
Her strategy revolves around applying powerful buffs to herself and applying
Charm on the player. Putting her in Sex stance is not recommended, as she takes reduced Arousal from such and can counter-attack with various moves of her own. The best way to defeat Nara is by using breast attacks thanks to her very high breast sensitivity, while avoiding her Charms with Ugli Herbs or other anti-debuff items.
Technically you could use a strat oooooooooor, just power level the Forest dungeon untill you are sayy.... level 50... may or may not be what i did... made the next zone a breeze. (All i did was fight Sofia on the lowest difficulty repeatedly, gives like 800+ xp and not to hard IMO)
I need new enemies to
lose to/fight.So real
the wiki has a mod page. For new things to lose to i would recommend the Beach Mod, as it has swimsuit imp, elf, then 3 new generic monsters and 4 new unique monsters to
lose to/fightWhat are they cooking in their secret lab
A whole maeve's academy situation is arising
They needed to vent the impatience for updates elsewhere, smh
The update...IS IN 2 HOURS!
You better not be lying
Please goddess you better not be lying
It has been 3 hours
Hope you're telling the truth.
i'm gonna do something drastic to you.... /j
Login note number 1: it's my first time writing on this and hopefully my last... but it has been far too has been months since the last update...people....are going friends...I'm one of the few people who are still clinging to their humanity...I...I don't know if I can keep going... The only reason why I haven't gone insane because of the side content with mara...but that too...has been completed... If there is no update in the next few months....who knows what would happen... I'm signing off, hopefully there is an update...there is still hope... And I'm clinging on it.
(Jokes aside, please take your time in this massive update I presume, and the login note? Please don't take it too seriously since I'm Only doing for fun because there has been no updates lol, and again please take your time into making this update we will support you no matter what, anyways good luck with the update! And make sure to take breaks if you can! And hopefully I can make a another if the update comes)
Yeah! What he said!
I'm with them on this!
So does it end just as you enter the capital? I can't find out how to access other districts so just want to know if I can't figure it out or it just isn't added yet?
atm yes its only 1 district in the capital that is accessible the other districts are coming soon.
Thanks just wasn't able to find a place that say "current game end at"
I don't think they will add such a thing just cuz how much side content there is
Well still would have been nice so I didn't spend and hour trying to figure out how to go to another district hehe
Fair enough👍
Hey since there is a lot of characters with tails you should add abilities that target tails
Love this idea! Sadly.. this would be a big pain in the butt for thresh to implement, as with this, and many other different abilities that could be added, he would need to write/rewrite a crap ton of dialog.
Is there a way to remove Fet/Sen caps? I feel like that could make for some fun challenge runs
My second attempt reaching the capital at the lowest level I could manage(first attempt: lvl32, second attempt: lvl19) sadly no unique dialogue with perpetua yet and there's not much room for optimization, defeated 1 unnecessary enemy and defeated 1 mandatory at night if anyone has better luck/finds unique dialog I'd love to see it
There's an old patch where you could run from all fights including bosses but I don't have the file and never tried to complete the game with 0xp while it was
What if there's no unique dialogue because the creator never thought someone would have tried an "as close as possible to a no-level run"? Wouldn't be the first time folks tried to look for something which simply isn't there.
That would make sense but I can't help but be curious
I wish you good luck in your mission.
that would be fun if you get level drained by succubus(when they implement it) and perpetua teases you about being lower level than her
I mean she still no matter what is only close to level 10
When you fight her the second time she is level 5, we dont know her level at the capital, but she says on her way home from the capital she hit level 10 and her self identify (somehow) says she has no more room for growth. (Like idk does her exp say max or something?) So she could be anywhere from level 5 to level 9 when she checks your level and is crushed.
Well you still need to win some tough fights to get to her so i think you have to be at least 15 to get to the capital so no matter what it will show you grew faster then her and the level difference between 10 and 15 makes the fight still easy after all
I've been following this game for a while and it still blows my mind just how deep the writing is. The worldbuilding, the characters, the plot, all of it draws you in. I'm also a fan of games where it isn't just the intercourse, the intercourse is also your weapon, your armour, and your world around you, and all of it blends together into a convincing package.
calm down bro
hey do anyone know how to pass info from one devise to another like phone to pc i have been looking for a way to pass my progress
USB cable
can you explain me how plz
Locate the save data folder and transfer them manually, through a cable or stick. Go to the AppData folder. Just follow this and substitute things in the brackets with your local PC equivalent.
This PC -> [Local Disk] -> Users -> [Your Profile] -> AppData.
Inside the AppData folder, you'll find three folders, the save data is in one of them.
You will need to turn on the view of hidden items to be able to see the AppData folder because it's off by default.
Just click on the [View] option and at the bottom of the pop-out menu should have the [Show] option. Inside, you can just turn on the view of hidden files.
I can't help you with locating the saved data in a phone though.
I think there's a save syncing function inside the game. But it will overwrite your save if they are saved in the same page and same position, so be sure to move them to an empty save slot for another device before syncing!
is the game finished or is it still ongoing?
At the moment (December 15, 2024), I have a suggestion for a future update.
When we have a character that's overpowered (current keeper is at level 266) we can convert excess sensitivity and perk points into arousal/energy/spirit points. Or, use them as currency to gain overpowered rune/accessories that's not sold by the golden mimic. Or maybe use them to buy special perks for facing the demon queen herself.
This is from the assumption that the demon queen will be at level 150 on easy (level 400 on hard) and there will be no new game plus.